Reader Comments for Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration

These are reader comments for the article 'Newsboys: Ex-lead Singer John James speaks about his fall and restoration'

Reader Comments

Posted by karen in calif @ 10:43 on Nov 22 2009

Even though Christians, we are not immune to this world's problems and diseases.

Thank you, John, for sharing your story. No doubt there are many, many Christians who struggle the same.

Posted by Steve in Tucson @ 19:28 on Nov 2 2009

I saw the Newsboys at the Tucson event on Saturday night (10/31/2009). I would have to say that Michael Tait is one of the more talented singers I have ever heard. The groups music was a blessing. Whats more, John James was with the band and gave his personal testimony before the band played before the 8000 plus in attendance. After the testimony an invitation was given that had 200 to 300 people turn their life over to Christ. It was truly an amazing evening. Thank the Lord for using Johns personal testimony to inspire people to have a new life in Christ.

Posted by mike mcmillan in boston @ 05:21 on Oct 10 2009

i gonna be praying for this bro. i can only imagine the lure of sin in his position, the fame even if it is christian fame sets you up as a target for some seriuos fiery darts, i just came from a newsboys concert and enjoyed the show but it wasnt the the kingdom of God and His rightousness and He will do the rest.

Posted by Paul in Los Angeles @ 08:38 on Sep 20 2009

thank you John, and Mike for bringing us this interview. I can't say how much this meant to me. I just saw the Newsboys in concert again this evening having been a fan for the last dozen years. I came home to stumble across this article. I'm currently healing from a severely difficult time in my life and have many times believed that God would never use me again. I fell from the ministry and God is moving once again. But still it is hard to hope sometimes. To see what God has done in your life has encouraged me beyond measure. To know that I can be His again is something I am still learning to believe. Thank you once again for reminding me that God has not, nor will He ever give up on me. God bless.

Posted by Robert Hammond in Oshkosh, WI @ 21:54 on Aug 2 2009

In the interview John talked about how they had spent HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS building up THE IMAGE OF PREFECTION in the band.
That being said . . .
I think it's obvious that Newboys publicity department told a sinful lie about John's plans. I think it said in the Bible, Thou (meaning you or the Newsboys) shalt not lie. It's not a prophecy, it's a lie.

Reply by cookie in Taiwan @ 14:10 on Nov 18 2009

They said he was leaving to become a pastor and author. He is now a pastor, will soon become an author. It wasn't a lie. It was a prophecy.

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Reply by Nelson Aybar in Orlando, FL @ 17:55 on Aug 13 2009

Robert, I see your point. However don't be bitter or eager to condemn my man. None of us are exempt from having fallen short of God's glory.

However; His grace is so that in while we were yet sinners, God loved us and sent His Son to die on a cross that we would be forgiven our sins and receive his gift of eternal life.

You see, it is true, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

God bless you & yours bro & I'll see you up in heaven where we can party it up with John James & the rest of the Newsboys...

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Posted by David in Adams @ 04:40 on Jun 9 2009

I stumbled across this article while doing research for a sermon. I knew things were hard, but I was unaware of the pain John and his family suffered. John certainly married a corageous woman whom I commend emphatically. I love John's new perspective of foundations, building from the bottom up. Character is worked out through hard work. I love how this is the story of the restoration of broken lives and not the restoration of fame. I thank you for the ministry you provided me as a young man listening to the Newsboys, and now as a chaplain in a school hoping to guide young people in love and truth. May God continue to restore and strengthen you and your whole family.
God Bless

Posted by mol in WYO, USA @ 21:43 on May 21 2009

oh WOW this is SUCH an awesome AWESOME testimony!!! it is hard to know that someone you've looked up to all your life has had such horrible struggles. but it's comforting too to know that they are just as in need of God as anyone else and that God can and does still rescue those that fall from grace. John James i pray all the blessings in the world for you, your family and the ministry that i know will only grow from your faithfulness and bold telling of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ!!! thank you for this article!

Posted by Stephen in Kansas @ 06:15 on Mar 24 2009

Why did the remaining newsboys cover for john and give a false statement to the public, saying that he was leaving to pursue a preaching ministry? have they ever issued an apology for this lie?

Reply by Yaa Johnson in Westmont Illinois @ 18:05 on Apr 23 2009

You've got it all wrong. First of all you should know how God works. The Newsboys didn't cover for him but rather prophesied according to what God wanted for John James. What do you think he's doing now? He's persuing a preaching ministry. Have you read the entire interview? God is just awesome. (Refer to Hebrews 11:1) I believe that's what his band mates hoped for him. God has a way of using us. He allows things to happen in our lives and He is ever ready to forgive, rescue and use us. Do you honestly think if John didn't go through what he did, he'll be able to help others who've gone through the same thing? Or help prevent others from doing the same? Because of his fame, people will pay heed to what he's saying better than if I were talking to someone. I thank God for his life and I pray that God would use him mightily for his work. He's not damaged goods. We can't point fingers but pray for him. One way or the other we've done things that we're not proud of. At least he has the courage to tell the world. Let's not forget his wife, may God bless her because it takes someone with the gift of God (love) to fight for her husband. Mrs. James, you're an inspiration and I'll continue to ask God to anoint you with his strength. God bless you. Peace & Love

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Reply by Peter Bell in Nashville @ 15:18 on Apr 3 2009

Actually the above comment posted by Stephen in Kansas is a very good question!!!! I would be very interested in an answere to this myself!!!!

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Posted by Christine in Denver @ 15:05 on Mar 10 2009

Thank you, Mike for an honest yet compassionate article. I am humbled to have such a story of God's love demonstrated in such a way that there is no doubt that nothing can seperate us from the love of God. God can take the ugly, broken pieces and restore them to something that is stronger than it was before.

Posted by Michael in Ottawa, Canada @ 04:36 on Feb 28 2009

I've been a fan of the Newsboys since I was a little kid, but I especially liked the three big albums that John James sang on - Not Ashamed, Going Public, and Take Me To Your Leader. For me, these still represent the band's best work, as much as I love what they've done since. When it was announced that John James had left the band, I was quite disappointed, and had sometimes wondered how his ministry was developing. I'd never heard the true story. It's a bit of a shock, especially as I remember how moved I was by the band's sharing during a concert on the Take Me To Your Leader tour... the lyrics John James sang were so challenging. And yet, I know how stressful that sort of life can be, and how easy it is for one's life to become completely different from the image; awfully sad, though.

The thing is, God has rescued this man's life, and given him back his marriage, and given him a new ministry - which is awesome. What's also awesome is that, despite all the flaws, God has still tremendously blessed John James' legacy with the Newsboys. His work with the band still blesses thousands of people the world over, who remember James as a major influence in forming their Christian lives.

Although I recognize that the first priority for John James is his walk with God, and his family, I would love to see him get involved in Christian music again in some way.

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