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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: Michael
Comment Date: 04:36 on Feb 28 2009
Comment: I've been a fan of the Newsboys since I was a little kid, but I especially liked the three big albums that John James sang on - Not Ashamed, Going Public, and Take Me To Your Leader. For me, these still represent the band's best work, as much as I love what they've done since. When it was announced that John James had left the band, I was quite disappointed, and had sometimes wondered how his ministry was developing. I'd never heard the true story. It's a bit of a shock, especially as I remember how moved I was by the band's sharing during a concert on the Take Me To Your Leader tour... the lyrics John James sang were so challenging. And yet, I know how stressful that sort of life can be, and how easy it is for one's life to become completely different from the image; awfully sad, though. The thing is, God has rescued this man's life, and given him back his marriage, and given him a new ministry - which is awesome. What's also awesome is that, despite all the flaws, God has still tremendously blessed John James' legacy with the Newsboys. His work with the band still blesses thousands of people the world over, who remember James as a major influence in forming their Christian lives. Although I recognize that the first priority for John James is his walk with God, and his family, I would love to see him get involved in Christian music again in some way.
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