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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: Yaa Johnson
Comment Date: 18:05 on Apr 23 2009
Comment: You've got it all wrong. First of all you should know how God works. The Newsboys didn't cover for him but rather prophesied according to what God wanted for John James. What do you think he's doing now? He's persuing a preaching ministry. Have you read the entire interview? God is just awesome. (Refer to Hebrews 11:1) I believe that's what his band mates hoped for him. God has a way of using us. He allows things to happen in our lives and He is ever ready to forgive, rescue and use us. Do you honestly think if John didn't go through what he did, he'll be able to help others who've gone through the same thing? Or help prevent others from doing the same? Because of his fame, people will pay heed to what he's saying better than if I were talking to someone. I thank God for his life and I pray that God would use him mightily for his work. He's not damaged goods. We can't point fingers but pray for him. One way or the other we've done things that we're not proud of. At least he has the courage to tell the world. Let's not forget his wife, may God bless her because it takes someone with the gift of God (love) to fight for her husband. Mrs. James, you're an inspiration and I'll continue to ask God to anoint you with his strength. God bless you. Peace & Love
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