Reader Comments for Gospel Seed - Growing

These are reader comments for the article 'Gospel Seed - Growing'

Reader Comments

Posted by Jenny Luttrell in Orange, CA @ 02:39 on Feb 10 2010

I just wanted to say hello. My dad is now living in Southern California. I read him this post and he cried like a baby. He is so happy that his music is not dead.

TO Mike Moore...whasssup Uncle Mike...I miss you and your family. I have a copy of the album on CD but it sounds like just like is not very clear or loud. I would love a clean copy. I heard you're in town this week so I hope to see you! I LOVE YOU!

TO Tim Moore...I love you cuz! See you later! xoxo

TO Rick dad totally remembers Dave Kaufman and playing ball with you guys. He still plays as much as possible...he's still fast too! lol

TO Susie Flaherty-Faber...He remembers both times. I think we can find you a copy somewhere. And trust me, no one would be more excited to see a reunion concert than me.

You can email me at

Peace & Love,


Reply by David Gutierrez in Norwalk Ca @ 16:18 on May 19 2010

Hello Jenny I have been trying since the early 80s to get a copy of this album. I was 18 years old when and had just given my life to Jesus Christ when I purchased this album from a small christian store in Montebello Ca. This music is timeless and so endearing to me. I was dating my wife at the tiime and I am still married to her with 4 children and 10 grandchildren. ALL BORN AGAIN. I have always remembered this album of ministry, it played such a huge roll in my walk with Jesus. I would do anything to be able to get a copy of this and once again share it with others. If you can please respond. Yours in Christ David Gutierrez

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Posted by Susie Flaherty-Faber in Bakersfield, CA @ 10:13 on Nov 7 2009

Gospel Seed was my very first Christian Concert at Chapel by the Sea, Oxnard, CA, in 1976! Then I saw them again in Bakersfield, CA at the Solid Rock Coffee House where I was a counselor, probably in 1977 or 78. All I ever had was their "demo" cassette and I played it until it wouldn't play anymore! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to attend a reunion concert of theirs! Please let me know! It would be great if updates on Gary and Mike were posted on Facebook!

In our Beloved,


Posted by Tim Moore in Irvine, California @ 19:51 on Oct 20 2009

Hey all,

Mike Moore is my grandfather and Jenny (who previously posted) is my cousin. I know that my grandfather wants to do a performance at his church with Garry sometime in the future. More to follow if that comes to fruition. I myself have recently gotten into my grandfather's timeless music and am looking to do a rendition of their song, A Singer's Song. Thanks for showing an interest in our families music... it is truly a blessing. God bless.

Very warmly,

Posted by jenniffer luttrell in orange ca @ 19:16 on May 18 2009

Hello, I'm jenny. My father is Gary Luttrell one of the lead singers...the guy with the black curly hair. If u need any information on them please email me. They (Mike Moore and my dad) are both alive and well. Mike is a head pastor in northern California. My dad now resides in Ohio. The rest of the family is still here in California...and now my sisters sing our versions of the album to our children and hope to keep the songs alive through them. A reunion and concert is not completely out of the question...we hope one day we will see it happen. They are both still singing and playing instuments.

It was a pleasure to see people interesed in my fathers truely brought tears to my eyes.

Peace, love & light,

Reply by David Gutierrez in Downey Ca @ 16:58 on Oct 12 2012

Hi Jenny,
I wrote to you in May of 2010 and would still like to somehow get a copy of Gospelseed Growing. As I wrote previously I was 18 when I purchased this LP in 1977 If you could reply to this request weather it's possible or not would be great. God Bless
David & Carol Gutierrez

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Reply by Lory Vuletich in MantecaCA @ 04:48 on Jan 3 2011

I attend Crossroads Grace Communtiy Church where Mike Moore is senoir paster..I love him and Grace...what wonderful people they are....I would love to hear one of the songs that Pastor Mike sang..he often talks about his music and I would love to hear it.....

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Reply by Steve in Canada @ 23:40 on Jul 1 2010

If anybody can help me to get a copy of the mp3's from Gospel Seed it would make my day!! I have both the cassette and record but would love to be able to take them with me on my ipod!!
Thanks and Blessings

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Reply by Rick Williams in Silverton, Oregon @ 04:05 on Feb 5 2010


Anyway, I too would love to have their music on mp3 if possible. Perhaps I need to contact Mike Moore for that. If you could direct me in this? Also, not sure if you know Dave Kaufman, if so I’d love to contact the brother again. And I’d love to be contacted if your dad and Mike do ever decide to get back together for a concert. This would not be solely for nostalgia, though that would have its place. No, those ‘baby’ years of growth in Christ were made significant by many of God’s people and experiences that He placed in our lives. This includes His working of Gospel Seed in my life.

Jenny and Tim, please send my regards to your father and grandfather. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

Rick Williams, now Silverton, Oregon…then, Lawndale, California

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Reply by Rick Williams in Silverton, Oregon @ 04:03 on Feb 5 2010

Jenny, pretty wild this thing of cyber space. Sometimes you stumble upon something that takes you to another time and place. Such is when I came upon your reply and the discussion on this website a couple days ago. A few years back I had done some ‘Google’ searches, without success, trying to find any information about some of the ‘old’ 1970’s Christian music, including Gospel Seed. So I was quite pleasantly surprised finding this discussion. My connection with your dad was through a brother in the Lord, Dave (David) Kaufman. Dave and I were new teenage believers in the mid 70’s. Dave had this friend, Gary Luttrell, who with Mike Moore, had one album and they were working on a second album, ‘Gospel Seed…Growing’. Later Gary would play a few games on our basketball team called ABC, Allied Brotherhood Church. I actually have a picture that shows us playing one of those games. It shows several of our players, including your dad (though only from the back) plus Dave and me. Boy, we all look a bit different today :) I have probably quoted ‘Colorful Little Tune’ as often as some scripture. As Dale Beshears said within this discussion “these guys really don't know the full impact”. No doubt ‘Gospel Seed’ planted some amazing ‘seeds’. Thank God!

I'll send the conclusion in a moment. Not enough room.

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Reply by Mike Moore in Manteca @ 21:52 on Oct 20 2009

I this is Mike! I saw your post and just wanted you to know that i have our albulm on MP3 and cd. I can get a copy to you if you need one.

heard you reconnected with Tim...that's great!!

Hope to see you soon...and iff you have your dad's number please share it with me so i can contact him again.

Mike Moore

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Reply by Dale Beshears in Plymouth, California @ 12:50 on Jun 5 2009


I am so glad to hear that Gary & Mike are alive an' well! These guys really don't know the full impact that their "folk-like" Christian songs has had on growing Christians. I was a baby Christian when I cut my teeth on their tunes... they were (and still are) good food for the soul. I played my cassette until it began to warble and finally die. I haven't been able to get a copy of their tunes since... their "Growing" album was the one I had on tape. I hope to get this album again... either on record or in the form of MP3 tracks. I haven't heard these tunes on over 20 years... I'd really love to re-live them. Thanks for the update as to Gary & Mike's well being. May Jesus continue to bless them for the work they did so many years ago...


Dale Beshears

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Posted by Dan Leasia in Salem Oregon @ 08:19 on May 12 2009

I am curious as to whatever happened to these "young" traveling gospel singers. What a joy to listen to some music that once again is right on 30 years later!

Posted by Jonathan Scott in @ 13:01 on Feb 6 2009

Is there a way to share mp3 versions of this LP legally?

Reply by Dale Beshears in Plymouth, CA @ 14:33 on Jun 5 2009

Hello Mr. Scott,

If you own a legitimate (legal) copy of the record (or 8-track/cassette) then you can legally own the MP3 version of this album. It doesn't matter what condition the record you own is in (it could be broken for that matter)... if someone else has the songs from that album in MP3 form they can legally transfer them to you. You MUST have a legal copy though. You can find copies of this album on eBay and other online sources. I hope this helps...

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Posted by Michael in Longview, WA @ 05:53 on Jan 6 2009

I would love to have this entire record on mp3 for my iPod & iTunes. These guys did the stuff like Jesus! Good sounds, passion, solid harmonies, compelling lyrics, very engaging in every way.

Reply by Andy in Ca @ 05:48 on Apr 14 2009

Have an old cassette, thats not playing well anymore. I too would love to have this on mp3 if available.

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Reply by Dale Callow in dallas, TX @ 23:44 on Feb 6 2009

Just now converting my old 8-tracks to MP3, just happen to be doing Gospel seed right now and searched and saw your post.

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Posted by Bill Bourbonnais in Riverside CA @ 21:32 on Dec 26 2007

Great Album. Old Folk style with a touch of rock. Great harmonies. good substance in the lyrics. Know from personal experience that the songs changed lives. Currently trying to convert to mp3s so I can take it along. Need first track of both sides. Mines damaged.

Reply by Michael in Spokane WA. @ 19:38 on Feb 9 2009

I wouldl liek this record if you have not sold it yet

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Reply by Kim in Texas @ 19:16 on Mar 24 2008

I have the album, still sealed in original shrink wrap. if you're interested, let me know. I can send it to you.

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