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Article Title: Growing
Author of reported comment: Jenny Luttrell
Comment Date: 02:39 on Feb 10 2010
Comment: I just wanted to say hello. My dad is now living in Southern California. I read him this post and he cried like a baby. He is so happy that his music is not dead. TO Mike Moore...whasssup Uncle Mike...I miss you and your family. I have a copy of the album on CD but it sounds like just like is not very clear or loud. I would love a clean copy. I heard you're in town this week so I hope to see you! I LOVE YOU! TO Tim Moore...I love you cuz! See you later! xoxo TO Rick dad totally remembers Dave Kaufman and playing ball with you guys. He still plays as much as possible...he's still fast too! lol TO Susie Flaherty-Faber...He remembers both times. I think we can find you a copy somewhere. And trust me, no one would be more excited to see a reunion concert than me. You can email me at Peace & Love, Jenny
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