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Article Title: Growing
Author of reported comment: Rick Williams
Comment Date: 04:03 on Feb 5 2010
Comment: Jenny, pretty wild this thing of cyber space. Sometimes you stumble upon something that takes you to another time and place. Such is when I came upon your reply and the discussion on this website a couple days ago. A few years back I had done some ‘Google’ searches, without success, trying to find any information about some of the ‘old’ 1970’s Christian music, including Gospel Seed. So I was quite pleasantly surprised finding this discussion. My connection with your dad was through a brother in the Lord, Dave (David) Kaufman. Dave and I were new teenage believers in the mid 70’s. Dave had this friend, Gary Luttrell, who with Mike Moore, had one album and they were working on a second album, ‘Gospel Seed…Growing’. Later Gary would play a few games on our basketball team called ABC, Allied Brotherhood Church. I actually have a picture that shows us playing one of those games. It shows several of our players, including your dad (though only from the back) plus Dave and me. Boy, we all look a bit different today :) I have probably quoted ‘Colorful Little Tune’ as often as some scripture. As Dale Beshears said within this discussion “these guys really don't know the full impact”. No doubt ‘Gospel Seed’ planted some amazing ‘seeds’. Thank God! I'll send the conclusion in a moment. Not enough room.
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