Key Quotes for 2004

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Swearing and blaspheming is reaching "staggering" levels in films broadcast on the television, according to the findings of an independent watchdog... Over the course of last year, research into movies broadcast on the terrestrial channels found that the f-word was used 2,234 times and there were 549 uses of 'Jesus' or 'Christ' as an expletive... 'Unforgiven' starring Clint Eastwood and 'Die Hard' with Bruce Willis, were among the worst offenders with 16 and 14 counts of blasphemy respectively.
EntertainmentThe Church of England Newspaper - Jan 2nd 2004
A devestating new report that showed a huge rise in the number of HIV cases in Britan has led to calls of a change in the attitudes to sex... The total number of new HIV cases diagnosed in 2002 is up one-fifth from the previous year. The majority of new infections were among the heterosexual population... Out of the 5,711 new HIV cases diagnosed last year, 3,030 were infections aquired abroad... According to faith pressure groups, societly has become so sex-obsessed that we are now experiencing the results of the breakdown of society, and that we should seriously underline the need for safer sex or abstinence.
SexThe Chruch of England Newspaper - Nov 27nd 2003
The HIV/Aids epidemic accounts for a quarter of all adult deaths in South Africa, rising to 40 per cent among the sexually active aged between 15 and 49... An estimated 5.3 million South Africans - more than 12 per cent of the population - are infected ... The country's Medical Research Council estimates that the virus would claim the lives of up to seven million people by 2010 if left unchecked, and that the average life expectancy will fall from 54 now to 41 in the same year.
HealthThe Church of England Newspaper - Nov 27th 2003
By the end of this year 6 million unborn children will have been aborted in Britain since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act.
SexThe Chruch of England Newspaper - Nov 27th 2003
Two Christian schools in Iraq have been the targets of foiled bomb attacks after leaflets were sent demanding that their pupils convert to Islam or be killed.
Religious PersecutionThe Chruch of England Newspaper - Nov 27th 2003
The average person in the United Kingdom uses 10 tonnes of carbon every year, but we should really be using as little as 2.5 tonnes. The UK government has set a target for a huge cut in the amount of carbon we pump into the atmosphere - 60 per cent by 2050. That means everyone needs to take serious action now, otherwise the climate in this country will change in a big way.
EnvironmentKids Alive - Nov 29th 2003
Tanzania is six times bigger than England and has a population of around 35 million. Reportedly, some three million are affected by HIV/Aids. These, however, are only the reported cases... In Tanzania, Aids is spread almost entirely through heterosexual sex ... According to Tanzania's National Aids Control Programme, 98 per cent of the population are aware of Aids. Ignorence is not the problem. Changing people's behaviour is. Despite the high number of deaths, the incidence of HIV/Aids is not decreasing.
HealthThe War Cry - Nov 29th 2003
Computer viruses and hacking are on the increase, according to a survey by anti-virus firm Symantec... Analysts say the findings of the survey should be a warning to all computer users to be extra vigilant in protecting their systems... According to Sophos, a world leader in anti-virus protection, the number of new viruses was up 17.5 per cent... Sophos claims that eight of the top ten viruses are able to spread by more than one method, using a combination of email, IRC (internet relay chat), network shares and P2P file sharing platforms.
CrimeThe War Cry - Nov 29th 2003
At the end of 2002, it was estimated that over 42 million people worldwide are living with HIV/AIDS- 50,000 of those in the U.K. AIDS has already taken an estimated 15,000 lives in Britian alone and the predictions are that these figures will be on the rise over the next few years.
HealthEnough, Issue 5 2003.
Burkina Faso,West Africa is a country that is classed as the third poorest in the world, where only 40% of the population has access to clean water.
Social IssuesChristian Herald, 10th Jan 2004.
At the beginning of this new century, governments and the international community set targets to dramatically improve educational opportunity for children, youth and adults.
By 2002, the Global Monitoring report Is the World on Track warned that almost one third of the world's population live in countries where achieving the Education For All goals will remain a dream unless concerted effort is made.
In Thailand, 81% of children now have access to free primary school education, although some children travel by boat, which reduces attendance in inclement weather.
In Malawi, where education is free for all, many cannot afford to pay for uniform and textbooks.
In Palestine,curfews, roadblocks and closures in the West Bank make it difficult or, in some cases, prevent students attending school.
In southern Sudan, of an estimated 1.06 million school age childen, 75% do not have access to formal education.
Schools and colleges have been destroyed and primary schools are often no more than a group of children gathered under a tree. Teachers rarely have any qualifications and these schools lack even basic equipment, such as desks and chairs.
EducationBaptist Times, Jan 1st 2004.
The controversial Mel Gibson film 'The Passion of the Christ' has been paised by US southan Baptist leaders given an advance screening recently.
Acknowledging its effect on him, the Revd Morris Chapman, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Southern Baptist Executive Committee said 'I have been unable to erase from my mind the scene of the beating given to Jesus by Roman Guards. It was gruesome. It jarred my sensibilities. It was so real I was almost certin the audience around me had given a collective gasp, sinking into their seats, shrinking from the horror of such excruciating pain'.
EntertainmentBaptist Times, 1st Jan 2004.
Two Christians arrested in Egypt over charges of helping converts from Islam obtain new identity papers have been arrested again following their recent release.
According to the Barnabas Fund, which campaigns for persecuted Christians, the officer responsible is known for his 'particularly aggressive' attitude to converts.
Religious PersecutionBaptist Times, Jan 1st 2004.
A SAT-7 initiative to support Iranian Christians has reached its first anniversary.
The Christian satellite ministry began its programmes in Farsi (the language of Iran) a year ago, and broadcasts for six hours per week.
An estimated 175,000 Farsi speaking Christians live in or near Iran. Many have little, if any, contact with other Christians. According to Sonia Home, UK Executive Director for SAT-7, 'Satellite television is a crucial way for Iranian Christians to receive the inspiring support they so desperately need'.
Programmes include children's cartoons, discussions, and a youth programe,Youth Cafe Net, in which the young hosts discuss philosophical and spiritual questions.
Religion/SpiritualityBaptist Times, Jan 1st 2004.
respected academic and journalist has claimed that China could become 'Christianised' within 30 years.
Dr. David Aikman, an Oxford graduate in Russian and Chinese history, writes in 'Jesus in Beijing' that the rapid growth of the church could lead up to 20-30% of the population becoming Christians, resulting in government posts being held by belivers and potential changes in China's foreign policy. He said 'Chinese Christians belive that they are called to complete the last phase of the Great Commission. This involves evangelising all of the nations and ethnic groups between China and Israel.'
Liz Russell, BMS World Mission Regional Secretary for Asia, said, 'Many China experts are reticent to even hazard a guess as to the number of Christians that are not in China. I am not aware of any nationwide, carefully researched and verified census that makes it possible to state the number with any degree of accuracy. What is clear is that the growth rate is astonishing.
Religion/SpiritualityBaptist Times, Jan 1st 2004.
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