Key Quotes for 2004

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
A majority of Britons belive use of cannabis will increase following relaxation of drug laws.
A poll also revealed Britons are more relaxed than Germans about lowering penalties for possession. Of 1,000 Britons interviewed, 51% opposed lesser penalties for personal use of the drug.
Drugs/Alcohol/AddictionsThe Sentinel, Feb 28th 2004.
Police have recorded a huge increase in serious assaults and domestic violence across Staffordshire. Between April and December last year, officers dealt with 4,612 reports of beatings from spouses compared to 3,739 during the same period in 2002, a rise of 23%.
CrimeThe Sentinel, Friday 20th Febuary 2004.
Accidents involving micro-scooters rose massively during a craze which swept Britain two years ago.
Some 19,700 people were injured in scooter accidents in 2002 compared with 2,200 in 1998, figures highlighted by the Royal Society for the prevention of Accidents, showed.
Odd FactsThe Sentinel, 19th Febuary 2004.
relands ban on smoking in pubs, restaurants and all work places will begin on march 29th.
Prison Cells,hotel rooms,psychiatric hospitals and nursing homes will be exempt. Ash hailed the ban, the first in the world, as health initiative of the centuary. Smokers and employers caught breaking it will be fined 3,000 Euros. But the Dublin Tourist board is to use it as a marketing device under the slogan 'Abreath of fresh Air
PoliticsThe Guardian 19th Febuary 2004.
In 2002, Samaritans received over 4,660,000 contacts, by phone, email, letter, face-to-face at a branch, through their work in prisons, and at local fairs and other events.
Almost 2.5 million calls were made by phone, the most common method of contact.
Samaritans receives more contacts from men than from women. There was a total of 18,200 volunteers in 2002 and 3,100 new people went on to become Samaritans volunteers last year. Last year volunteers gave 2,767,152 hours of their time to provide support to callers.
Odd FactsThe Sentinal, 17th Febuary 2004.
Space scientists revealed they have found the biggest known diamond in the universe a 10 billion trillion trillion carat gem.
Astrophysicists in the US, said they found the massive rock on valentine's day, positioned 50 light years away in the constellation Centaurus.
SpaceThe Sentinel, Febuary 17th 2004.
According to the MDA over 111 million text messages were sent between midnight 31st December and midnight 1st January. This beat last year's recold of 100 million, well and truly confirming the mobile phone's place as the essential communication tool at the start of the 21st Century. Over 20 billion text messages were sent in 2003 and the figure is expected to rise this year.
Odd FactsPresbyteran Herald, Febuary 2004.
Research published in the journal of Health Communication shows that after three years of teaching abstinence to all 9-14 year olds, sexual debut fell from 47% to 32%.
SexThe Church of England Newspaper, 12th Febuary 2004.
In 1971, 81% of women had married by the age of 25. By 1996 this had fallen to less than 40%. Naturally, this also simply reflects the age at which people marry but it confirms that cohabitation has become commonplace and could be tied in with the Church receding in cultural prominence.
FamilyThe Church of England Newspaper, 12th Febuary 2004.
Five people die of AIDS and ten people are infected with HIV every minute.
5.6 million people have HIV in South and South East Asia.
Cambodia has the highest proportion of people with HIV in South East Asia.
Globally, 14 million children have lost one or both parents as a result of HIV/Aids.
HealthTeartimes, Spring 2004.
72% of the UK's population describe themselves as 'christian' in the last census. But church attendance remains low, as does understanding of the christian faith.
Religion/SpiritualitySalvationist, 14th Febuary 2004.
The number of marrages in Britain has fallen to fewer than 300,000 a year, the lowest recolds since records began more than 50 years ago.
Figures issued last month by the Office for National Statistics showed that there were 286,000 weddings in 2001, compared with 408,000 in 1950. The figure peaked at 480,000 in 1972, and since then the trend has been steeply downwards.
FamilyBaptist Times, 12th Febuary 2004.
Recent statistics have highlighted that only 31% of Anglicans pray daily so, as the Commander of Apollo 13 put it 'Houston, we have a problem'.
ChurchUnity, January 2004.
48% of schools fail to comply with the legal requirements for R.E at Key Stage 4.
EducationAct Now, Spring 2004.
Today, only around 7.5% of British people go to church once a month or more.
ChurchC.T.A News, Autumn 2003.
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