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The Church of Scotland has supported a bill that would abolish the defence of reasonable chastisement of a child, which would effectively ban smacking. In its submission, it wrote: ‘The Church believes that the resort to violence should cease to be acceptable as our society comes to understand its negative impact'. | |
The Law | Youth and Children’s Work, April 2019 |
The Times reports that its campaign to introduce no-reason divorce has been successful, saying that David Gauke, the justice secretary, is preparing a bill to make it possible for someone to divorce their spouse without showing any fault. This seriously undermines the meaning of marriage, removing any protection for a blameless spouse who wishes to stay married. | |
The Law | Christian Concern 8th February 2019 |
The move to add a third ‘gender option’ in addition to male and female was to comply with a ruling by the country’s highest court. The Federal Constitutional Court said in November 2017, while considering a high-profile case involving an intersex person, that people must be allowed to be entered in records as neither male nor female. | |
The Law | Evangelicals Now – October 2018 |
A transgender offender wants to change the law so that his criminal record does not reveal that he was born a man. His lawyer and Unlock, a charity for people with criminal records, say the law should be changed as it risks drawing attention to transsexuals. People who have legally changed sex have a Gender Recognition Certificate, and are entitled to have their biological sex kept secret. | |
The Law | The Christian Institute - 19th September 2018 |
Over 70 per cent of people back current laws on abortion or want to see protections for unborn children strengthened, a new poll of Scottish adults reveals. The research showed that 48 per cent of Scots were in favour of keeping the current 24-week limit, with 24 per cent saying they were in favour of lowering it. | |
The Law | The Christian Institute - 15th June 2017 |
A Government review of sharia in the UK has said that a “culture change” in Muslim communities is required for women’s civil rights to be acknowledged. The Independent Review into the Application of Sharia Law in England and Wales, chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui and published on Thursday of last week, also recommended that marriage laws should be changed to ensure that civil marriages were conducted before, or at the same time as, Islamic weddings, as happened in the case of Christian or Jewish weddings in the UK. | |
The Law | Church Times – 9 February 2018 |
Vulnerable people will continue to be protected as a result of a High Court ruling on assisted suicide, campaigners say. The comments follow yesterday’s ruling against a change in the law, in which judges said human rights law did not extend to assisted suicide. | |
The Law | The Christian Institute - 6th October 2017 |
Irish voters would reject any move to legalise abortion in all circumstances up to 22 weeks, an opinion poll has found. As the prime minister, Leo Varadkar, and his minority Fine Gael government prepare to frame an abortion reform referendum scheduled for next year, it has emerged that only 24% of voters are in favour of legalising terminations in nearly all cases. | |
The Law | The Guardian - 6th October 2017 |
Wales’ First Minister has promised to push ahead with a ban on parental smacking. Carwyn Jones says it is a priority for the Assembly term. But removing the ‘reasonable chastisement’ defence will criminalise loving mothers and fathers, and will overwhelm the police and the social services with trivial reports so that real cases of child abuse are missed. | |
The Law | The Christian Institute - Annual Review 2017 |
The Government has committed to making it easier for transsexual people to legally change sex, as part of a review of the Gender Recognition Act. A spokesman said that Ministers want to ‘streamline and de-medicalise’ the process for “changing a person’s legal gender”. | |
The Law | The Christian Institute - 7th April 2017 |
At the end of February, a judge stated that quoting the words of the Bible should be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter. This came about during the trial of two street preachers – Mike Overd and Michael Stockwell – who were convicted of a public order offense in Bristol. | |
The Law | Evangelicals Now – April 2017 |
Legislation to ‘criminalise emotional abuse’ of children is set to be introduced in Scotland, despite concerns about a previous attempt to bring in a similar law in England and Wales, it was reported early March. Such a law could see parents criminalised for raising their children according to their religious beliefs. | |
The Law | Evangelicals Now – April 2017 |
A Bill introduced by a severely disabled Peer to end disability-selective abortion received near-unanimous support from Peers as it reached Committee Stage in late January. If Lord Shinkwin’s Abortion (Disability Equality) Bill amendment Is successful it will remove section 1 (1)(d) from the 1967 Abortion Act, which allows for abortion on the grounds of disability up-to-birth. The net effect would be that the 24-week time limit would apply to all babies regardless of disability. | |
The Law | Evangelicals Now – March 2017 |
A bill to decriminalise abortion in England and Wales passed its first reading in the House of Commons this week. Labour MP Diana Johnson's Ten Minute Rule Bill, which is being backed by abortion giant BPAS, would effectively remove all legal restrictions on abortion. MPs voted 172 to 142 in favour of the radical proposal. | |
The Law | Christian Concern - 17th March 2017 |
This week, a report from the Both Lives Matter movement, of which CARE is a founding member, was published providing a cautious estimate that 100,000 people are alive in the Province today due to Northern Ireland’s abortion laws. | |
The Law | CARE Impact Direct - 20th January 2017 |
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