Key Quotes for 2008

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Parents believe the English education system provides too little choice and is too frequently run in the interests of politicians, not children. The pole comes with the release of a new report by think-tank Policy Exchange, which argues there is too much central Government intervention in schools at the expense of teachers.
EducationThe Sentinel March 10th 2008
Jamie Oliver has beaten his culinary competition to be named the most iconic British chef of all time. The 32-year old TV chef and scourge of the Turkey Twizzler is now a bigger name than chefs of the past as well as his contemporary rivals. Delia Smith, aged 66, ranks second in the new poll.
Food and DrinkThe Sentinel April 14th 2008
Doing too much exercise could worsen cancer, a study suggests. A U.S. study found that prostate tumours in mice grew more quickly when the animals were active. They speculate that exercise might increase the blood flow to tumours, thereby assisting in their growth. Researchers warn that humans may not respond the same way as animals.
HealthThe Sentinel April 14th 2008
Curious gaps in clouds may provide early warning of an earthquake. Researchers spotted unusual cloud formations above an active fault in Iran before 2 large earthquakes struck the region.
World IssuesThe Sentinel April 10th 2008
Fatal stabbings have increased by more than a quarter since Labour came to power, Home Office statistics reveal. The number of people kicked or beaten to death have soared by more than half, while 28% more people were shot dead in 2006/7 than in 1998/9 Home Office minister Vernon Coaker revealed.
CrimeThe Sentinel April 28th 2008
Ministers should step in to stop the inapproriate prescribing of powerful anti-psychotic drugs to Alzheimer’s patients, a group of MP’s said today. Up to 105,000 people in the UK are wrongly being treated with the drugs, claims a report from the All Party Parliamentary Group. The medications have side effects which can accelerate mental decline.
HealthThe Sentinel April 28th 2008
Inmates are so comfortable in jail that they do not want to escape, a prison officer union leader says. Glyn Travis, of the Prison Officers Association, says inmates are happy to stay inside because they can get hold of drugs, mobile phones and even sex. He said a dealer regularly broke into a Yorkshire Prison by using a ladder to entre cell windows but no inmate used the ladder as a means to escape.
CrimeThe Sentinel April 25th 2008
Pioneering stem cell treatment could “turn the clock back” for heart attack victims by repairing damaged tissue, a doctor said last night. Two heart attack victims have already undergone the process, which involves taking a small amount of the patients bone marrow andinjecting it into their arteries within hours of the attack. The stem cells, taken from the lower back under local anaesthetic, are purified before being “infused” into the damaged area.
HealthThe Sentinel April 24th 2008
A common chemotherapy drug may inflict serious brain damage on cancer patients with effects that are felt years after treatment has ended, research in the Jounal of Biology suggests. Labatory tests showed that it destroys vital cells in the brain that help to keep the nerves in working order.
HealthThe Sentinel April 22th 2008
The wave of immigrants from eastern Europe has not caused a rise in crime, according to a police report. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith will be presented will be presented with the study when she meets senior police officers tomorrow, according to The Guardian.The report prepared for the Association of Chief Police Officers, shows that offending rates among Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants are in line with the rest of the UK population.
CrimeThe Sentinel April 16th 2008
There is no evidence that taking antioxidants prolongs life and some may even be harmfuls research suggested today. A review of 67 studies involving more than 230,000 people found “no convincing evidence” that supplements increased life expectancy. Experts added that betacarotene, vitamin A and vitamin E seemed to increase morality.
HealthThe Sentinel April 16th 2008
Up to one in 10 families could be plunged into negative equity if house prices fall by 15 per cent, an investment bank has warned. Economists at Morgan Stanley are predictiong house price falls of up to ten per cent this year. This will be followed by a further drop of five per cent in 2009.
HousingThe Sentinel April 18th 2008
It was reported in March that Christian-born converts to Islam in Egypt wishing to return to their former faith have found their way blocked by an appeal before the country’s Supreme Constitutional Court. Judge Muhammed Husseini asked Egypt’s top judical body on March 4th to review the constitutionality of a law granting citizens the right to change religions. Eqypt’s top administrative court used Article 47 of Egypt’s civil law to justify allowing 12 converts to Islam to return to Christianity. Husseini has demanded that the constitutional court rule on whether Article 47 conflicts with the Egyptian constitution’s second article, which designantes Islam as the main source of legislation.
Religious PersecutionUK News Now May 2008
73% of churchgoers and 91% of church leaders say the Bible actively challenges them to live in a way that goes against Britians current culture according to a report in March. The study also showed 78% of churchgoers believed the Bible to be divinely inspired. Church leaders were more confident of this, with 98% agreeing. When it came to inerrancy fewer than half of the leaders (47%) believed the Bible to be free of errors.
ChurchUK News Now May 2008
The worrying fact is that, we are disposing more waste now than ever before even though there are many active environmentally conscious campaigns at present. If we think about it – plastic can take up to 500 years to decompose. A recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for three hours. Also, recycling plastic allows for conservation of non-renewable fossil fuels. Few people know that glass that is thrown away and ends up in landfill will never decompose. Ironically, it is one of the few materials that is 100 per cent and recyclable and can be used again and again. For every tonne of recycled glass used, 1.2 tonnes of raw materials are preserved.
EnvironmentThe Main Event April 2008
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