Showing page 11 of 25 1... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ...25 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
In a stunning anti-democratic move, the One of Us campaign petition – carrying the signatures of almost 2 million European citizens – has been rejected by the European Commission. The petition calls for an end to EU funding of research and development which involves the destruction of human embryos. | |
Social Issues | CARE - 6th June 2014 |
According to a ComRes poll published by CARE, public backing for assisted suicide significantly decreases with 28% of British adults (three in ten) switching support to opposition when the risk of people feeling pressurised to end their life so as not to be a burden is considered. | |
Health | CARE - 18th July 2014 |
In Switzerland extraordinary cases of non-terminally/chronically ill patients undergoing assisted suicide are increasingly becoming part of standard practice. EXIT, one of the more prominent assisted suicide organisations, has recently announced that it will now accept non-terminally ill elderly people, in a worrying but sadly unsurprising move. | |
Social Issues | Care Not Killing - 4th June 2014 |
The Christian charity CARE publishes new polling today demonstrating that those who support assisted suicide in principle switch to opposition when presented with the reality of assisted suicide in practice. The polling shows that the level of support for assisted suicide rapidly dwindles from 73% to 43% overall when evidence is offered about the nature or source of opposition to assisted suicide. Opposition to assisted suicide therefore increases from 12% to 43% with 14% in the ‘don’t know’ category. | |
Health | CARE - 18th July 2014 |
Reports last week suggest that Belgian euthanasia deaths rose 26.8% in 2013 to 1,816, representing five people every day having their lives ended, and a Brussels nurse has recently written of 'what really happens in Belgium's healthcare system with euthanasia'. | |
Social Issues | Care Not Killing - 4th June 2014 |
Young people aged 16 to 24 are twice as likely to want to volunteer as other age groups but many charities are reluctant to recruit them, the chief executive of the Scout Association told Parliamentarians yesterday. Speaking at a session of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Civil Society and Volunteering in the House of Commons, Matt Hyde said his charity’s research showed a very high appetite for volunteering at younger ages. | |
Young People | Civil Society News - 9th July 2014 |
A new report has linked economic inequality to more than 19,000 excess cancer deaths a year. A new analysis Cancer Research UK have published in partnership with the government’s National Cancer Intelligence Network, has brought this issue into even sharper focus. The impact of our unequal society is stark: it’s linked to more than 15,000 extra cases of cancer each year, and – even more alarmingly – more than 19,000 extra deaths. * Over half of the extra deaths – 11,000 each year – were due to lung cancer * The other cancers linked most strongly to lower income areas were also linked to lifestyle * Bucking the overall trend, rates of some cancers – notably breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma – were higher in more well-off areas | |
Health | Cancer Research UK - 3rd July 2014 |
According to the National Center for PTSD, while approximately 60% of men experience a major trauma in their life, 50% of women also experience a major trauma. Despite a slightly higher percentage of male-experienced traumas, women tend to develop PTSD at a higher rate than men. In fact, about 10% of women develop PTSD sometime in their lives compared to only 5% of men. Untreated, PTSD also increases the likelihood people will develop co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and addictions. | |
Health | Dr. Gregg Jantz - 27th June 2014 |
British soldiers have been eating halal meat in military canteens without their knowledge, the Military of Defence (MoD) has admitted. The MoD says that whilst it “does use Halal and Kosher meat in its meals”, it does not label dishes clearly in its UK and overseas bases. | |
Social Issues | Christian Concern - 20th June 2014 |
New report documents 241 cases of intolerance against Christians in Europe in 2013. The Austria-based Observatory on Intolerance Against Christians in Europe has reported that the number of "hate-related incidents against Christians in Europe are rising", with incidents ranging from vandalism against churches to bullying in the workplace and violence against Christians pro-life campaigners. The report notes that incidents of intolerance have also involved limitations on free speech by hate speech legislation and restrictions on the freedom of conscience of Christian employees, with the most affected groups including medical staff, marriage registrars and wedding facility owners. | |
Religious Persecution | Christian Concern - 20th June 2014 |
An opinion poll commissioned by The Observer has shown that in the aftermath of a plot by Islamists to impose sharia law in State schools in Birmingham, more than a third of all UK adults say faith schools should not be funded by taxpayers' money. The survey found that: • 23% of UK adults think faith schools should be banned completely • 35% say faith schools should not be funded by the State • 56% think that State-funded faith schools should stick to the national curriculum with only 11% saying that faith schools should have some discretion outside of core subjects • 55% agree that some predominantly Muslim schools are fostering extremist views among pupils and 74% say there is a serious risk of some schools encouraging pupils to adopt extremist views • 33% say that the Home Office and the police should be mainly responsible for tacking extremism in schools, narrowly ahead of the 31% who say it should be teachers and governors | |
Education | Christian Concern - 20th June 2014 |
Tony Blair has come under fire after claiming the violent insurgency in Iraq is not the result of the 2003 invasion to topple Saddam Hussein. In a renewed call for military action the former prime minister said the crisis unfolding in the country was instead the “predictable” result of the West’s failure to intervene in Syria. But his comments have met with scathing criticism from figures including his former deputy prime minister Lord Prescott and ex-international development secretary Clare Short. | |
The Sentinel, June 16, 2014 | |
In early May, the US Supreme Court backed a town council’s freedom to pray at the beginning of its meetings after two local residents complained. Judge Anthony Kennedy said the prayers do not exclude those with no religious faith and that judges should not rule on the content of prayer because it could lead to lawmakers censoring chaplains’ messages in order to make them ‘acceptable for the public square’. | |
Politics | Evangelicals Now, July 2014 |
Swiss assisted suicide group Exit says it will consider helping elderly people who do not have a terminal illness to kill themselves, it was reported in late May. Exit’s General Assembly backed the change in a vote, prompting warnings from a Swiss medical group that it could put pressure on healthy older people to commit suicide. The change means elderly people would not need to provide as much proof of an illness as younger people. | |
The Elderly | Evangelicals Now, July 2014 |
Christians and other religious minorities [in Nepal] have been asked to ‘reconsider their faith’ as all citizens apply for an identity card upon which their religious affiliation will be stated, it was reported in late May. Members of religious minority groups will be subjected to greater scrutiny to obtain the official documents, a plan that has prompted accusations of discrimination. They will be asked to reiterate their faith before registering, and if no affiliation is expressed, they will be classified as Hindus. One Christian rights activist told Asia News that the government is trying to discourage people from converting from Hinduism. Krishna Hari Baskota, secretary at the office of the prime minister, said it was ’not about discrimination’ but added: ‘We ask all Christians and members of other faiths to reconsider their own beliefs and join Hinduism’. | |
World Issues | Evangelicals Now, July 2014 |
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