Reader Comments for The Sheep: '70s Jesus freaks who pioneered the Lonesome Stone rock opera

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Reader Comments

Posted by Albert Bogle @ 23:04 on Aug 24 2014

I was the lead singer with the Scottish Band the Living Stones. We bought a mixer amplifier and multicore from Sheep in 1973/4 when they were in Edinburgh. We net them at Greenbelt.

Posted by William Neville Smut in Nottingham @ 23:29 on Aug 2 2014

Hiya Larry (Mole) Barker - Bill Smith here - I was the Company Stage Manager at The Rainbow & on the tour to Wythenshaw Forum Hall at Manchester: in 1973:
How thrilled I am to hear that you & Rich, Lisa & Mike & Greg & Wilhelm are still in touch with each other: 40 years on: Do you have any contact with Reed Mittelsteadt if so please pass on my e-mail address:
It is with sadness that I read of the passing of Nick Malham : I had lost contact with him and tried to find him without success: Some of the cast inc Reed, & Nick used to travel to Nottingham & stay at my home in Derbyshire Nick appeared in my production of the Who's "Tommy" here in Nottingham playing a couple roles:
I went on to work in Theatre & TV & film & have been involved with Film Locations; appearing in many productions on TV for the BBC inc: "Secret Army"
I now give talks on Film Locations; Theatre practice: & provide help & financial assistance to new theatre groups & Film Companies: I also have my own film company which I do not wish to name here: I get inundated with actors & public looking for film parts:
I remember you all very dearly & I wish you all the blessings of your religious life that God can bestow upon you all: As a matter of interest did you ever become vegetarian Larry after singing about all those "vegetables every day"??
Incidentally the last I heard of Ian McDonald the Assistant Director/Production Manager, he was working on the Cameron Macintosh production of "Sunset Boulevard"
The final irony is that the The Rainbow at Finsbury Park has now become an evangelical church & has been lovingly restored to its Art Deco glory:
All I can say to that is "What an irony that after all those famous rock bands that appeared there inc Queen ; The Who; Van Morrison; Lisa Minnelli: & many famous names to numerous to mention, that it became a gospel temple & has been highly successful:

Very special regards:

William Neville Smith

Posted by Bob Pitcher in Hengoed Park, Oswestry, Shrops @ 00:32 on Jun 30 2014

Remember 'The Sheep' coming to Plymouth in the early 70's. They did 'Lonesome Stone' and Jim Pallosarri (spelling?) preached. It was part of the Plymouth Youth for Christ programme In those days that had been envisioned and run by Tony May. A couple of the Band Stayed at my home. I seem to remember Noel and Trish Richards being around in those days. I actually taught Trish at a Primary School in Crownhill. Yeah... great days. I remember we hosted Larry Norman for a concert during that great awakening. It was at that time that young evangelicals stopped wearing sports jacket , white shirt and grey flannels and donned 'Hippy' gear and became a public nuisance sticking Jesus stickers everywhere, encouraged by the irrepressible Arthur Blessitt.

Posted by Barry Waddleton in Albuquerque NM USA @ 03:14 on Mar 5 2014

I helped with the the advertizing of Lonesome Stone in Bradford UK. I remember plastering posters and giving out leaflets.... Good times

Posted by Melissa L in Florida @ 13:56 on Jan 24 2014

When Lonesome Stone played in Davenport Ia in the early 70's, they had just return from Europe, most of the group stayed at my home. We became good friends with the group, Mike & Mary Dammrow, Greg & Lynn Nancarrow, Reed Mittelsteadt , Mole & Irene Barker. They impacted my life as a Christian even at such a young age. I was blessed and privileged to have had this group of Christians apart of my life.

Posted by Miss Sharron Gilbert in East Sussex @ 15:56 on Nov 13 2013

It was thanks to the Jesus people,that l got saved???
After all this time l wish l could meet up with this ??
Are they living in the U S A ,are they even still around..
Can anyone put me in touch with them please?

Reply by Larry Barker in Oconomowoc Wisconsin USA @ 22:50 on Jun 7 2014

Yes we are around and live in various places in the U.S. U.K. and Sweden. Greg Nancarrow lives in Texas, Mike Damrow, Lisa Carruthers, Rich Haas and I live in Wisconsin. and are good friends to this day, Wilhelm Pinnow lives in Sweden and Jim Palosaari and Nick Malham have gone on to meet the Lord . Those of us still in touch share a deep connection as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Larry "Mole" Barker

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Posted by Kate in Scotland @ 01:33 on Oct 26 2013

Remember seeing Lonesome Stone when I was about 8 years old, with my Dad, and it scared the living daylights out of me! been listening to it again now and it sounds great... thanks for reminding me :-)

Posted by Siegfried in Germany @ 18:35 on Aug 12 2013

I listened to The Sheep when I was about 10 years old. I lost the tape probably 40 years ago, but until now I remember some songs in my mind. So I searched the internet whether I might find something that will bring back even more memories. Thank You for the article. I wonder, if I will ever have the chance to listen to an Sheep-mp3 someday ...

Reply by brian Sanders in United Kingdom @ 23:13 on Apr 25 2014

I have the sheep LP that i bought when they were on tour. Regards Brian

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