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Article Title: The Sheep: '70s Jesus freaks who pioneered the Lonesome Stone rock opera
Author of reported comment: William Neville Smut
Comment Date: 23:29 on Aug 2 2014
Comment: Hiya Larry (Mole) Barker - Bill Smith here - I was the Company Stage Manager at The Rainbow & on the tour to Wythenshaw Forum Hall at Manchester: in 1973: How thrilled I am to hear that you & Rich, Lisa & Mike & Greg & Wilhelm are still in touch with each other: 40 years on: Do you have any contact with Reed Mittelsteadt if so please pass on my e-mail address: It is with sadness that I read of the passing of Nick Malham : I had lost contact with him and tried to find him without success: Some of the cast inc Reed, & Nick used to travel to Nottingham & stay at my home in Derbyshire Nick appeared in my production of the Who's "Tommy" here in Nottingham playing a couple roles: I went on to work in Theatre & TV & film & have been involved with Film Locations; appearing in many productions on TV for the BBC inc: "Secret Army" I now give talks on Film Locations; Theatre practice: & provide help & financial assistance to new theatre groups & Film Companies: I also have my own film company which I do not wish to name here: I get inundated with actors & public looking for film parts: I remember you all very dearly & I wish you all the blessings of your religious life that God can bestow upon you all: As a matter of interest did you ever become vegetarian Larry after singing about all those "vegetables every day"?? Incidentally the last I heard of Ian McDonald the Assistant Director/Production Manager, he was working on the Cameron Macintosh production of "Sunset Boulevard" The final irony is that the The Rainbow at Finsbury Park has now become an evangelical church & has been lovingly restored to its Art Deco glory: All I can say to that is "What an irony that after all those famous rock bands that appeared there inc Queen ; The Who; Van Morrison; Lisa Minnelli: & many famous names to numerous to mention, that it became a gospel temple & has been highly successful: Very special regards: William Neville Smith
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