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Article Title: The Sheep: '70s Jesus freaks who pioneered the Lonesome Stone rock opera
Author of reported comment: Bob Pitcher
Comment Date: 00:32 on Jun 30 2014
Comment: Remember 'The Sheep' coming to Plymouth in the early 70's. They did 'Lonesome Stone' and Jim Pallosarri (spelling?) preached. It was part of the Plymouth Youth for Christ programme In those days that had been envisioned and run by Tony May. A couple of the Band Stayed at my home. I seem to remember Noel and Trish Richards being around in those days. I actually taught Trish at a Primary School in Crownhill. Yeah... great days. I remember we hosted Larry Norman for a concert during that great awakening. It was at that time that young evangelicals stopped wearing sports jacket , white shirt and grey flannels and donned 'Hippy' gear and became a public nuisance sticking Jesus stickers everywhere, encouraged by the irrepressible Arthur Blessitt.
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