Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane

Published Tuesday 10th November 2009
Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane
Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane

RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 82656-16008
LABEL: Credential 5099921485824
RELEASE DATE: 2009-11-06
RRP: £13.00

Reviewed by Haydon Spenceley

Ending their deal with heavyweight major label Columbia seems to have done wonders for Switchfoot. After the brilliant 'The Beautiful Letdown' heralded their ascent to the big leagues, the following two albums, 'Nothing Is Sound' and 'Oh! Gravity', seemed to be permeated with a desire to crack the arena rock circuit, sometimes at the expense of songwriting imagination which characterised their earlier work. Thankfully, 'Hello Hurricane' manages to maintain their radio-ready edge whilst returning the band to the sphere of past glories and even, on occasions here, extending their musical and lyrical horizons. "Needle And Haystack Life" and "Mess Of Me" are clever, whilst at the same time leaving the listener in no doubt that the band still know how to rock. It is with the astonishing "Your Love Is A Song", though, that the band demonstrate their still increasing maturity and confidence. A beautiful ballad, with a powerful lyric of praise to God, this is a song to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, precisely the kind of number missing from recent albums. "This Is The Sound" and "Bullet Soul" maintain the rocking theme but the influence of Jon Foreman's recent quartet of solo EPs is also prominent here, as the musical nuance and lyrical direction are both vastly more focused, particularly on "Always" and "Yet". Interestingly, this could be the album that cements Switchfoot as arena rock powerhouses at long last. All the components are in place.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description
Hello Hurricane – Switchfoot’s seventh studio album is finally here after a 30 month wait.....

Lately the band have been through something of a rebirth. Having become independent once again they built a home studio and flooded the mics with more than eighty songs. The creativity was allowed full flow, and the impact was immense: “For us,” explains Jon, “it was a feeling of true freedom. Hello Hurricane acknowledges the storms that tear through our lives. This album is an attempt to respond to those storms with an element of hope, trying to understand what it means to be hopeful in a world that keeps on spinning.”

The result is fresh, which, considering that it’s about a multi-million selling band who have enjoyed a decade of massive crossover success, really is saying something. Hello Hurricane confirms that Switchfoot are a band who do not run from the elements: instead they embrace them.

Reader Comments

Posted by don in cheltenham @ 14:57 on Jun 15 2010

great to hear more gooood rock celibrating god

Posted by antoneqween in engineer @ 14:32 on Mar 3 2010

God created us in a best image and gave us the opportunity to have a full and eternal life. either we will get the paradise or the Hell .GOD gave us the option ..and showed us the straight way -.did not make us as robots to automatically obey Him, but He gave us free will and freedom of choice.every thing is clear for us...GOD gave us a beautiful earth which had contained upon every thing that the
human could not live without that things,,we know that the God still very generous but i feel sorry because humans are still denying kindness and favor of the God..HE waits from us to return to his obedience..but we still disobey him
We often choose ignoring Him and going our own way. This things take as far away from God. please return to the right way,and do the best deeds... imitate the deeds of the prophets..because they guide us to the truth of existence..if you love the God do what he wants from you ...and remember no one could help you just the God who created all the existence

Posted by Applesauce @ 23:39 on Jan 19 2010

wow. incredible album. no joke. one of the best i have ever heard. even the weakest track (bullet soul) is better than other songs on the radio today. i cant pick a favorite song because it is sooo amazing as a whole

Posted by Peter in CT, USA @ 03:58 on Dec 4 2009

GREAT ALBUM. I love all of the songs. Between The Sound, Mess of Me and Bullet Soul, there is enough crunchy guitar to keep Switchfoot on the radio while songs like Your Love Is A Song and Free ring true with a mature audience.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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