Key Quotes - Religion/Spirituality

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
A consultation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission reveals that British Christians feel that they should keep their faith hidden.
Religion/SpiritualityBible Society - 13th March 2015
A poll by the Aberystwyth University Students’ Union found that more than half of students said they felt the compulsory inclusion of the Gideon Bibles in their rooms was 'uncomfortable' or 'unacceptable'.
Religion/SpiritualityBible Society - 13th February 2015
Last Thursday, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approved an important report tackling intolerance towards Christians in Europe. The report introduced by Moldovan MP Valeriu Ghiletchi, which Care for Europe supported from a very early stage, called particularly for a greater focus on reasonable accommodation for religious belief in Member States.
Religion/SpiritualityCARE Impact Direct - 6th February 2015
2.1 billion is the global Christian population and 1.6 billion is the global Muslim population. 1.46% is the annual global growth rate of Christianity and 6.40% is the annual global growth rate of Islam. In the UK the Islamic population increased from 1.5 million in 2001 to 2,7 million in 2011 (4.8% of UK population). The Christian population fell from 17.3 million in 2001 to 33.2 million in 2011 (59% of population).
Religion/Spirituality(Source: Pew Research Centre, United Nations 2011 UK Census) and Christianity - Feb 2015
A study of 583 religious societies around the world has concluded that humans are more likely to believe in powerful and judgmental gods during times of hardship and extremes of weather. The study, published in Proceeding of the National Academy of Science, used historical social and ecological data from between 1900 and 1960 for 583 traditional societies with religious beliefs. These included common religious believes. These included common religions like Christianity and Islam along with rarer religions such as Zahv, the belief system of the Akha people in Southeast Asia.
Religion/SpiritualityThird Way December – January 2014-15
While 86% of British parents read, watched or listened to Bible stories when they were growing up, only 55% of today’s children have the same experience.
Religion/SpiritualityThe Plain Truth - Winter 2014-2015
One in 50 Anglican clergy in the UK believes God in merely a human construct, according to the results of a new survey. And just eight in ten believe there is a personal God with a further three in 100 believing there is some spirit or life force. The YouGov survey (published October 2014) of more than 1500 Anglican clergy, commissioned by the Westminster Faith debates for the current series on the future of the Church of England.
Religion/SpiritualityThe Plain Truth - Winter 2014-2015
On 13 November, three top religious leaders of the Central Africa Republic were awarded a prize for their efforts for peace in the war-torn Central Africa Republic. In the midst of the country’s 2 years of violence, often portrayed as confessional conflict, the three clerics formed a joint platform to promote peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims.
Religion/SpiritualityEvangelicals Now - January 2015
The majority creed among the male population is now atheism or agnosticism, but almost two thirds of women believe in heaven or an afterlife, according to the latest tranche of findings from the 1970 British Cohort study, which has been tracking 9,000 people now in their early 40s for more than 25 years. It found 54 per cent of men could be classed either as atheist or agnostic, compared with only 34 per cent of women.
Religion/SpiritualityBible Society - 23rd January 2014
Cornwall now has the Bible online, it was reported in late July. The New Testament and Psalms are available in Cornish as a downloadable app…There are an estimated 500 fluent Cornish speakers and a further 3-4,000 who can hold a conversation in Cornish.
Religion/SpiritualityEvangelicals Now - September 2014
The Church of Scotland has welcomed findings which show widespread faith in the power of prayer throughout the country. The faith and belief Scotland report, published in July by the Scottish Government and the university of Edinburgh, found that a majority of respondents (57.6%) either ‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ with the statement that prayer can have a real effect in this world.
Religion/SpiritualityLife And Work Magazine - September 2014
President Jacob Zuma has donated £26,000 to translate the Bible directly from Hebrew and Greek into isiZulu. Mr Zuma's mother tongue is isiZulu, the main language spoken in South Africa. The Bible has been translated into isiZulu previously, but from other languages.
Religion/SpiritualityBible Society - 9th January 2015
The former Bishop of Oxford has suggested that the Qur'an should be read at the Coronation service. Speaking in a House of Lords' debate on religion and public life, Lord Harries referred to a service in Bristol Cathedral last year where the Qur'an was read and indicated that the Coronation should demonstrate similar 'hospitality'.
Religion/SpiritualityChristian Concern - 13th December 2014
Twenty years after Mossad helped Syrian Jews take ancient Hebrew Bibles to Jerusalem from Damascus, Israel’s national library has asked an Israeli court to grant it custodianship over them. Their existence there was kept secret for a decade, but is now being challenged by those who argue that the Bibles are Syrian Jewish cultural property.
Religion/SpiritualityBible Society - 12th December 2014
The Church of England has said that worshippers are increasingly turning their backs on the attending Sunday morning services because of other leisure and social ‘commitments’. Many people still crave quiet reflection, but are seeking out less ‘pressurized’ times in the week to worship.
Religion/SpiritualityBible Society - 28th November 2014
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