USA's Mutemath sever ties with Warner Bros/Word Records.
AMERICAN pop rock band Mutemath, who have received considerable
airplay for their 'Reset EP' on Word/Curb, have turned their back on
the Christian music industry. Frontman Paul Meany told Tucson Weekly
that his band has severed ties with Warner Bros and its Christian
subsidiary, Word Records. Meany insisted that Word should not have
been marketing them as a Christian band, even though the band members
are Christians. He complained about "getting pigeonholed into this
particular world that we weren't necessarily proud to be associated
with, because we aren't really fans of the music or fans of the cause
of the music. We don't fit into that. We're not trying to preach
through our music; we don't have some kind of evangelistic agenda."
katie perry also left christian labels. She also had a christian label and left it. For fame and money.muttemath is leaving for the same thing. They want to appeal to a larger aduience to make more money.