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Article Title: Staying Mute
Author of reported comment: Elizabeth
Comment Date: 00:09 on Aug 2 2008
Comment: "just because they are Christians doesn't mean that they should have to be in ministry..." What exactly does this mean? Ever heard of "The Great Commission?" It was a calling from Jesus Christ to ALL of His followers to take specific action while on this earth. If to you being a christian doesn't imply working to expand God Kingdom with the tools (and talents) He's blessed you with, then you, like so many 'followers' today, have been misled. You cannot be a FOLLOWER of someone and not FOLLOW their instructions. As far as Mutemath being "unintentionally" lumped into the Christian music industry, it was no "accident." They were in the CMI BEFORE they were Mutemath. Before the were Mutemath they were "Earthsuit" whom I used to listen to regularly and they were VERY MUCH a "CHRISTIAN BAND" not just a band comprised of christian members. Their music was not at all shy of saying Jesus or Father or Lord.
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