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Article Title: Staying Mute
Author of reported comment: Craig
Comment Date: 18:53 on Nov 19 2007
Comment: Sarah: I disagree. Contemporary Christian music is better than ever and, in my opinion, produced far superior than most 'secular' music. I have been a Chrstrian almost my entire life and played hundreds of shows as a secular artist. Now I am totally in the Chrstrian genre. Why did MM (a band that I really like by the way) start in the Christian genre? They did because people embraced them and supported them. Something much more difficult in the secular world. Most in the Christian genre are gunuine and will trust you (I didn't say all). My point is, if you are a Christian, whether you like it or not, you are in your own life a MINISTRY. Like it or not. If that makes you uncomfortable, then great. I'm glad you can feel God in your life.
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