Latest album by Brian Houston gets thumbs up in Mojo magazine
THE LATEST album by Belfast troubadour Brian Houston has received a rave review in
mainstream magazine Mojo. Reviewing his independent release 'Sugar
Queen' Mojo wrote, "Sequenced by 'Whispering' Bob Harris, with Robbie
McIntosh on electric guitar, 'Sugar Queen' is bristling with hope, joy
and love - and fabulous songs: 'These Days' is an ocean of bliss
surfing on a Zeppelin-at-Bron-Yr-Aur riff, 'Childish Things' is the
best song Van Morrison never wrote, and 'Someday' is a US country
smash in waiting.
I saw Brian Houston live and if it's possible, he's even better live than on his albums. I'd highly recommend going out of your way to see him live. Really worthwhile.