Christians Win Eurovision

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Wednesday 24th May 2006

Finish Eurovision representatives Lordi confess their faith

OVER THE last few days, Eurovision winners Lordi with their song "Metal Hallelujah" have caused much controversy amongst churches. Lordi (who represented Finland on Saturday 20th May) were at the centre of much rebuke with their act which was perceived by some believers to be "demonic". However, in an interview after the show, the group's lead singer Mr Lordi confessed, "I am a member of a church and our drummer Kita actually wrote and played some church music. I don't want to burn in Hell, I want to go to Heaven."

Commented Dave Williams, organiser of Christian rock and metal event Meltdown, "It's not about looking at the image, it's about looking at the spirit. If what they are doing and saying agrees with the Bible, then there's nothing to complain about".

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

Reader Comments

Posted by Robert Bishop in United States @ 18:14 on Jan 30 2017

I have never for one moment believed that Lordi was or is a Satanic band, Songs like Devil is a loser and Hard Rock Hallelujah say the opposite. There's a Christian punk band called Grave Robber and I'd love to see these two bands Co headline a world tour. I believe it would be great.

Posted by siyabonga in east londonon @ 12:51 on Jul 31 2014

Bible says no images of things from heaven earth and under earth, so they are far from bible

Reply by Vince in Uk @ 23:10 on Aug 15 2019

The bible says no such thing. Give me the book, chapter and verse proving me wrong and I will agree, until then...

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Posted by Curt in United States-PA @ 03:45 on Jul 6 2010

First I want to say that judging others and voting them as "saved christians" or not is something I am not comfortable doing, that's Gods business. With that being said I see nothing in their songs or lives that shows the opposite of Christianity and actually see a lot that shows a Christian belief. Christians have written a rule book of of things believers should and shouldnt do and Lordi is on the naughty list according to that rule book but not the bible. Sure I have heard them swear in their songs and on stage but the bible tells us not to use words against other people and the only time I have heard Lordi publicly do that has been ill speech against the Devil himself. They may dress like monsters and seem evil and demonic but never claimed to be anything more than a few guys who like to play dress up. A lot of their lyrics even have a christian background talking about dtriking down the prophets of false and taking your place in heaven. I do not believe that they are a traditional christian group trying to convert others to the faith. They are a christian group of guys who sing secular music with an occassional christian influence much more thought into it than that is dangerous. What matters is what they believe, what the lyrics mean to them, and what the listener takes out of it. If you don't like the music, don't say they are destined to hell, just don't listen!

Reply by anonymous in somewhere, where ever @ 00:43 on Jan 3 2011

Thank you!!!!
Someone I know and deeply respect is calling lordi satanic. I do not believe they are satanic because I don't look on the outer shell of something, I look deeply into it at times. The person I know of says that they are demonic and sound like Devil's music, but i just told him/her they don't. I respect your comment.

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Posted by Andy Lowe in England @ 16:19 on May 20 2010

Lordi are not Satanic, they sing great songs. they have those costumes to hide there identitiy. People are have judged them by their appearence. I thought you Christians aren't supposed to do that but judge people personality?

Posted by jordan in usa @ 05:41 on Aug 19 2009

The word christian is a great noun but a terrible adjective. Just because music is not labeled as being in the christian genre that does not make the people who create the music un-christian. Your vocation is not always the same as your occupation. We are called to judge people by the fruits that they bare and not the job they have. The only way anyone can make a respectful judgement on the position of whether or not the people in the band Lordi are or are not christian is if they personally knew those people.

Posted by samuel Musgrove in USA - North Carolina @ 02:36 on Apr 24 2009

When someone takes spiritual authority, they will inevitably fail. I mean specifically telling someone how "Holy" they are by how they look or what they say is taking the authority of God and saying that they are less "Holy" than them even though Jesus was sent to earth and cleansed all our sins.

Look at Saw in the Bible, he took his spiritual authority when he did not wait for Samuel and offered the sacrifice himself. When Samuel finally arrived he asked him, "What have you done!" Then when his spiritual authority looked like it was slipping from his hands he tried to kill David- the anointed king of Israel. Some pastors and decons have taken spiritual authority by their own efforts and not waited on God, they like Saw will fight to keep that power. This is true of politicians and dictators and even businessmen.

Saw's actions should be a lesson to everyone who tells another believer how good of a Christian they are by the way they look and what they say. God is the father and he can discipline his own children. God does give other types of spiritual authority such as pastors and ministers and missionaries, but none of them have the authority to tell another believer how their relationship with God should look like, it is between them and God.

God is the only one that can see spiritual intentions of a believer and it is no business of another "Plank Eye" to judge someone else.

I am a faded sheet, washed many times by the blood of Christ and I am no exception to sin. I frequently see others and assume the worst and judge them by how they dress and what they say, but I take it to God and lay my lead crown at his feet and relinquish my Self-Righteousness.

When you see Lordi are you afraid? If so, do you fear what they look like, or do you fear what they stand for?

Posted by Joshua Atherton in Australia @ 22:17 on Mar 13 2009

Look, There is a difference between a Christian band and being a Christian, Im a Christian...

I just found out about this band (Lordi) and I think they are quite good, I like Stairway to heaven and we all know what that sounds like when you play it backwards.

My favourite artist is Alice Cooper. Do some resaerch on him... He admits to going to Church and having a youth support program to spread the word.
But back in the day, he was every parents worst nightmare, people thought he was evil lock up your kids dont listen to him, he has a girls name and wears make up blah blah blah. Whatever...

I also listen to Marilyn Manson, yeah... Thats right he admits to be being a satanist. But he has no affect on my belief, so does it matter if I sing "cake and sodomy" or "dead god"? I dont think so, it doesnt change anything... to me it's just a song.

Does it matter? Everyone like different music...
Yeah ok, Satan was god's musician so he MAY be comming through the music. But if it's not having any affect on your belief or changing you does it matter?

Wednesday 13 have a song "god is a lie" hey, it's a great song... It's smart, its catchy, its very good lyrically but look at the title... I know it's not true, So I listen to it. who cares?

Just because im a christian does not mean I have to listen to Christian songs, No way.

Listen to any song on the radio, none of them are christian like are they? It's all about sex and stuff... maybe killing someone or somthing.

Listen to the music, enjoy the music not the meaning behind it.

Posted by Chase Greene in Florida @ 07:27 on Feb 5 2009

First off I believe it says in the book
"Come as you are"
If this is who they are than so be it. Christians are so closed minded to what has to be or the way they believe something should look or sound like. Personly i'm not into their sound but it's kool what they are doing. I'm into hardcore and more deathmetal. But christians are so narrowminded it's sad. My dad(very narrowminded) could not believe that the band ZAO(A very faithful band) was christian cause they where heavy and couldn't understand the lyrics. it's sad cause I know if half these "Christians heard bands like impending Doom they would not believe that they're christian. Read the lyrics they are very strong believers and if you go to their shows they will be more than glad to sit and discuss the lord with you. I can list countless bands seventhstar, no innocent victim, Extol, Xdisciplex A.D., Shockwave, Sleeping Giant, Underneath the Gun, With Blood Comes Cleansing, 7 horns 7 eyes, Who are all either hardcore or Deathmetal and I know for a fact first time listing to them alot of you christians would sit their and say "No their not Christians" But in fact all these bands are christian bands and all share a deep love for the lord. We as Christians need to learn to not be so narrow minded I don't believe the Lord wants us to live this way

And to the guy sorry i forgot who and i'm not scrolling up lol. That said many claim to be christian and are not. Honestly I have been in the South Florida Hardcore scene for a long time now and trust me to most it's not "Cool" to say your christian they accept you for being strong in your believes but look down on you alot for believing in God. It's even harder in the Deathmetal scene so by labling yourself as a Christian band can be tuff so I commend bands that do and show the world their faith. Trufully no band labels them sef as christians do get popular doesn't work that way sorry

Posted by Joseph in Pueblo @ 16:25 on Dec 18 2008

I think it is great what a christian band is finnaly doing. If a band metal rock rap w/e sings about Jesus in there songs and all that, do u really think that alot of non believers are going to be running to see the show? This is a band that has some spiritual ideas in there songs without running u over like a steam roller yet gets some message across. The outfits also pull more people in wether you are a believer or not. Now that the band also confesses to be Christian who knows maby non believers will look into it more and who knows alot of good can come from the band maby more than another band that always does sing about God. This is just my personal opinion on the subject.

Posted by Jose in Marbella @ 12:54 on Sep 30 2008

Lordi is an example to follow by ALL SATANIC AND OTHER METAL BANDS who don't know what they are talking about, they don't know what they are "supportting" NOBODY wants to go to hell. I clap to Lordi, and I'm very happy of them. Thanks for all.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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