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Article Title: Christians Win Eurovision
Author of reported comment: samuel Musgrove
Comment Date: 02:36 on Apr 24 2009
Comment: When someone takes spiritual authority, they will inevitably fail. I mean specifically telling someone how "Holy" they are by how they look or what they say is taking the authority of God and saying that they are less "Holy" than them even though Jesus was sent to earth and cleansed all our sins. Look at Saw in the Bible, he took his spiritual authority when he did not wait for Samuel and offered the sacrifice himself. When Samuel finally arrived he asked him, "What have you done!" Then when his spiritual authority looked like it was slipping from his hands he tried to kill David- the anointed king of Israel. Some pastors and decons have taken spiritual authority by their own efforts and not waited on God, they like Saw will fight to keep that power. This is true of politicians and dictators and even businessmen. Saw's actions should be a lesson to everyone who tells another believer how good of a Christian they are by the way they look and what they say. God is the father and he can discipline his own children. God does give other types of spiritual authority such as pastors and ministers and missionaries, but none of them have the authority to tell another believer how their relationship with God should look like, it is between them and God. God is the only one that can see spiritual intentions of a believer and it is no business of another "Plank Eye" to judge someone else. I am a faded sheet, washed many times by the blood of Christ and I am no exception to sin. I frequently see others and assume the worst and judge them by how they dress and what they say, but I take it to God and lay my lead crown at his feet and relinquish my Self-Righteousness. When you see Lordi are you afraid? If so, do you fear what they look like, or do you fear what they stand for?
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