Reader Comments for Life Just As We Know It

These are reader comments for the article 'Life Just As We Know It'

Reader Comments

Posted by Zogbean @ 15:25 on Jul 17 2007

who is this intelligent designer? That would be a great question. In fact, it would be great if the intelligent design hypothesis could offer more details on "design events". When, where, and how would be a good start. IDists are always comparing their ability to spot design to other fields that spot design. (SETI, archaeologists, etc) Yet all these fields have the ability to answer the who, what, when and where. The ID hypothesis has no ability to answer the who, what, when and where scientifically, and this is why it fails as a real scientific theory. The ID movement understands this, and that's why they are wanting to change the definition of science to include supernatural events (ie school board in Kansas). The other fields of study that spot design do not require supernatural explanations. No other scientific theory on the planet requires supernatural explanations, yet these ID guys want special treatment.

Posted by Larry in New Hampshire, USA @ 11:07 on Jul 17 2007

"it is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane."

I think we just met another. This time a media consultant.

Posted by GalapagosPete in California @ 06:55 on Jul 17 2007

If there is anyone who believes anything at all that appears in Steve's posting, please visit The site has an excellent search feature that will allow you to find the truth.

In fact, I encourage Steve to go there also. This sort of ignorance is simply unacceptable in the 21st century.

Posted by Sammy in CA @ 21:28 on Jul 16 2007

I guess we're safe as long as these idiots don't evolve along with the rest of us. This shows the downside of our Internet culture. Anyone can post absolute rubbish and still wrap themselves in a cloak of respectability by claiming to be a "journalist".

Steve, it would be much more entertaining if you actually posted a new idea, or even a new way to describe these tired claims from the Discovery Institute.

Posted by Tom Sutcliff in US @ 20:52 on Jul 16 2007

Evolution is a fraud that has been masquerading behind biology for the appearance of legitimacy. Unlike real sciences like physics or chemistry, the pseudoscience of Darwinism is dependent upon deflection and distortion by its advocates so evolution is never forced to stand on its own.

While adaptation—which Darwin demonstrated with the finches on the Galapagos—is common among all animals, evolution, where a species turns into another, is bogus.

See for more info

Reply by freedumb2003 in Ceti Alpha 6 @ 12:19 on Jul 17 2007

>>Evolution is a fraud that has been masquerading behind biology for the appearance of legitimacy. Unlike real sciences like physics or chemistry, the pseudoscience of Darwinism is dependent upon deflection and distortion by its advocates so evolution is never forced to stand on its own.<<

LOL. Tell that to the flies in the NY Subway system that can't breed with flies on the outside. That is as good a working definition of "species" as we can find and we see it right before our very eyes.

There are literally millions upon millions of data supporting evolution. More data support evolution than the Theory of Gravity (which is very much up for grabs).

[report abuse]

Posted by SeaLion in Darwin Central @ 16:45 on Jul 16 2007

How refreshing to find that 150 years of science can be overturned by a media consultant!

The number of nonsense statements in this piece is staggering, this is a re-hash of the same old Creationist nonsense that has been soundly and roundly refuted many, many times. Please give your sources for these false claims.

Just for starters: "A basic assumption of Evolution is that life appeared by blind chance." Utterly false. It's not even an assumption of abiogenesis (which is not part of Evolutionary Theory, in any event).

A visit to would be enlightening, and is heartily recommended.

Posted by Tom Delay in U S Senate @ 14:47 on Jul 16 2007

Do you know that Michael Behe, in his latest book, The Edge of Evolution, says that Humans and Chimpanzees share a common ancestor? He agrees with evolution, not just the micro-evolution, but macro evolution concerning the origins of the human species. Behe is the evolutionist's Trojan Horse in the camp of the believers.

Posted by Anon in Somewhere @ 11:11 on Jul 16 2007

Well the first part of your article perfectly discribes my attitude to religion, something I grew out of when I realised that it had no facts to back it up and most of the people who push it where self serving liars, fools or insane. As to the rest of your article, well I think Darwin himself said it best:
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

Given the choice between believing scientists who are willing to publish there results and admit that they can be wrong and don't yet know everything and a bunch of people who claim that the entire truth comes in a book of highly dubious origins, I'll stick with science.

Also this article is very poorly researched and little more than a rehash of the nonsense found on many creationist websites, do yourself a favour and actually check up some of the facts rather than believing the people who want to make money of keeping you stupid.

Posted by poetic license in United Kingdom @ 10:42 on Jul 16 2007

A list of 700 scientists!!!

Has anyone read the list? Physicists, Astronomers, Computer Engineers, weather forecasters, psychologists, statisticians and geologists add up to 500 (and now 700) scientists who doubt evolution!!

( p?command=download&id=660)

Lets get this straight; I do not doubt the depth of knowledge of these scientists in their chosen disciplines. But to assume that they have the same understanding of evolution as evolutionary biologists is a joke.

A document signed by 700 scientists in a community of tens of thousands of scientists (and millions of people educated in science) makes Intelligent Design a minority belief. For it to find respect among scientific community and among educated humanity at large, it will have to make testable predictions, undergo scrutiny, and improve upon existing theories. That’s how new ideas modify the old ones. ID is far from the finished article it claims. More often than not, it sounds like religion.

Complexity does not imply the existence of the super-natural. Especially when we have a theory that explains a large part of the observed diversity in nature. “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?”

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