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Article Title: Life Just As We Know It
Author of reported comment: Zogbean
Comment Date: 15:25 on Jul 17 2007
Comment: who is this intelligent designer? That would be a great question. In fact, it would be great if the intelligent design hypothesis could offer more details on "design events". When, where, and how would be a good start. IDists are always comparing their ability to spot design to other fields that spot design. (SETI, archaeologists, etc) Yet all these fields have the ability to answer the who, what, when and where. The ID hypothesis has no ability to answer the who, what, when and where scientifically, and this is why it fails as a real scientific theory. The ID movement understands this, and that's why they are wanting to change the definition of science to include supernatural events (ie school board in Kansas). The other fields of study that spot design do not require supernatural explanations. No other scientific theory on the planet requires supernatural explanations, yet these ID guys want special treatment.
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