Reader Comments for Daryl Coley: The gospel giant returns after battle with illness

These are reader comments for the article 'Daryl Coley: The gospel giant returns after battle with illness'

Reader Comments

Posted by C Jackson in Newark, NJ @ 04:08 on Jan 2 2011

Rev. Coley I have admired your music for many, many years. One of my favorite songs is "In my Dreams" but I can't find it on youtube or itunes... Please make that happen for me.. We need to be singing that from sea to shining sea.. >:)

Posted by Regina James in Atlanta Georgia @ 00:19 on Dec 29 2010

Pastor Daryl Coley i have loved your music through the years. Im so hurt to hear of your illness. As a Nurses aide i will continue to pray for you. Your song Jesus Saves always lift my spirits. Love in Christ. Regina James

Posted by Mrs. Johnson in Baltimore, MD @ 15:21 on Nov 21 2010

Can you please tell me how I can obtain a CD, casette, or any form of the album Daryl Coley Live in Washington.

Posted by Nichole A Washington in Dayton, Ohio @ 03:20 on Nov 21 2010

I am a very huge fan Of Brother Coley. I love to hear him sing. He can sing boo and I gat a chilli sent thruough my body. he is a true man of God who has an anointed voice that you can just sit and listen to. When I am listening to him sing I tone everything out its more so the people who have gotten on my nerves. But to hear him sing will just make my day. I would love to be able to meet Brother Pastor Coley one day.

Posted by leonardo in Maryland @ 13:58 on Nov 7 2010

If you could get this messege to Daryl Coley that my mother was diabetic for years until I introduced her to the Cordinary health Improvement project (CHIPS). She changed her diet and her blood sugar regulated and she produced insulin again and no longer takes shots. Go to this link and look at hot topics. This will change his life

Posted by Anthony Lloyd in Newark De @ 05:02 on Oct 26 2010

Didn't Daryl Coley Sing a Gospel Song With Rev. James Cleveland called He'll Never let You Down.

Posted by Dianne Thompson in Washington, DC @ 13:45 on Oct 6 2010

To God Be All The Glory-
Can I just say I remember you from back in the 70's and leave it at that. God is blessing and keeping us who keep calling on His Name for He is the one from where our help comes from.
Daryl, you continue to walk with Jesus and He will
continue to walk with you.

Posted by Donovan A. Francis in Bllomfield (Hartford), Ct. @ 20:43 on Sep 26 2010

Dear Rev. Coley I didn't know of your illness until just this today 09/26/2010. I will keep you lifted up in prayers every chance I get. I am glad to hear that you are doing much better, but as you know the scripture say: After we do all that we can....just stand. Your music have blessed me tremendously. Especially the song not sure who the original singer is: "To live is Christ and to Die is to Gain" . May you (and Family) be blessed always as you continue to serve the Lord, Amen.

Posted by Lisa Yerby-Bryson in Baltimore, Maryland @ 01:15 on Aug 28 2010

Dear Rev. Coley,

It is with great honor that I have been blessed by your music. About 4 years ago, I was an actively using heroin and crack addict. There were many many nights that my physical, mental, and spiritual pain was so great that I no longer wanted to live. I was certainly going through a spiritual battle that eventually turned into a spiritual transformation. My husband had your CD and would play it continuously. Although, I would refuse to go to church, the words of your song "God Is Preparing Me For Something that I Cannot Handle Right Now" would minister to my heart and would give me hope that the last 15 years of my pain and suffering would be over. Well, I would have never guessed that that song spoke reality into my life. I currently have 4 years clean and sober and have since given my life to Christ and will be preaching my initial sermon in November 2010. I thank God for speaking through skin faces and even through music CDs. Although I have never met you in person or even been to one your concerts, the impact of God working through you has made a tremendous difference in my life. Continue to be encouraged in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as I will continue to keep you in prayer.

Reply by Jay Pryce in London , England @ 14:36 on Nov 9 2010

Whet a wonderful testimony of how God can use a anointed singer to minister and reach ones heart Amen

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Posted by Sylvia L. Dawley in Washington DC @ 01:13 on Aug 2 2010

I praise the Lord for this wonderful man of God!!!His "the collection of daryl coley best loved songs. Was and is a comfort for my family and I especially for me today 1 August 2010. My son has sang several song on this CD. Before and after the transition of my beloved sister(1992) and mother(1994).Mr Coley thank you for sharing your gift of Agape&Shalom. Fondly, Sylvia

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