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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: Lisa Yerby-Bryson
Comment Date: 01:15 on Aug 28 2010
Comment: Dear Rev. Coley, It is with great honor that I have been blessed by your music. About 4 years ago, I was an actively using heroin and crack addict. There were many many nights that my physical, mental, and spiritual pain was so great that I no longer wanted to live. I was certainly going through a spiritual battle that eventually turned into a spiritual transformation. My husband had your CD and would play it continuously. Although, I would refuse to go to church, the words of your song "God Is Preparing Me For Something that I Cannot Handle Right Now" would minister to my heart and would give me hope that the last 15 years of my pain and suffering would be over. Well, I would have never guessed that that song spoke reality into my life. I currently have 4 years clean and sober and have since given my life to Christ and will be preaching my initial sermon in November 2010. I thank God for speaking through skin faces and even through music CDs. Although I have never met you in person or even been to one your concerts, the impact of God working through you has made a tremendous difference in my life. Continue to be encouraged in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as I will continue to keep you in prayer.
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