Reader Comments
This is the first album from Why? - they are fun, folky, bouncy, and amusing, while having a great message in their songs. It's a good album, slightly less polished than their newer albums but you can't beat songs called 'Pencil Utensil' and 'Jiggledy Piggledy'. 'Good Question' is just that, thought provoking and insightful and 'Red Sky At Night' will ring out from Greenbelt 1995 forever, after the crowd kept on singing it for 10 full minutes after they had to clear the stage! If you can get hold of it, it's definitely worth listening too!
I love Why sooo much they are apsolutly amazing! i wish they would become popular again. i am aged 18 and think there great. i so wish i was old enuf to have enjoyed them back when they were popular. i did see them once at Spring Harvest in 1997 i think it was and i loved it. Please come back Why we love you!