Take Three - Jesus This Is For You

Take Three - Jesus This Is For You

STYLE: Jesus Music
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Bridge S2249
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delware @ 19:54 on May 29 2010

Another great compilation of songs from one of ccm's finest guitarists, and pioneer vet. This collection includes the 1976 "Your Love Broke Through" co-written by 3 individuals: 2 of which are also ccm vets. The late great Keith Green and Randy Stonehill assisted in writing this classic gemm ccm song. "Everywhere I Look" taken from 1993 "Crimson & Blue", as well as "John the Revelator" ; "Everywhere..." an all-time fave.
A song from 1980 "Ph'lip Side" is not found on either Time cds;the song "Spend my Life with You": it has a great guitar intro, plus I have original video of song.
"Maker of the Universe" another great included.This cd also has 2 fine cuts from "Emerging" (from 1977);"Take a look Around" and the beautiful song for his son Ryan that he lost "Ryan's Song". Both of the "Time" cds include rare tracks never heard, from 60's and 70's; they were great to hear, tho' not heard in best of sound quality. Take note, that the writer above seems to have Time 1 & 2 mixed up some; as song "O GOD our Help in Ages Past" is not on this cd of "Time 2", instead is on "Time 1". I have "Time 1 & 2" in my huge ccm collection. GOD Bless! -Don

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