Secret Archives Of The Vatican - The Storm Within

Thursday 1st June 1995
Secret Archives Of The Vatican - The Storm Within
Secret Archives Of The Vatican - The Storm Within

STYLE: Ambient/Meditational
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 15649-14943
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Steven Whitehead

Take a break from milking the snails, put on your nicest hat and settle down to experience another extract from the Secret Archives. This month's magical mystery tour takes us to Japan and Vietnam and those whose ears have already heard will know to expect the unexpected. If I say that The Storm Within' is closer to 'Fish Drum' than The Walled Garden Of Truth' they will understand. But perhaps we should allow Vince Millet to speak for himself: "It's a bit different - it's based on some twelfth century Japanese court songs plus some Vietnamese folk tunes and is in a very dark ambient/isolationist kind of style. Very ambient and makes Pink Floyd sound happy." Your reviewer can agree with this but only up to a point. I find Pink Floyd gloomy because of their lyrics. The Storm Within' is instrumental. I find it ambient, tranquil, rhythmic but not particularly dark. It brings to my mind a traditional Japanese garden in the autumn. The greens of juniper and cypress contrast with the flame red of maple. Water falls softly onto moss and gravel before running off in little streams. In the distance a bell summons us to the warmth of the tea house. The beauty of this music is that it allows the listeners to paint their own pictures. Try it - you might like what you see. If you want to praise him on the wind chimes go elsewhere. If you want to hear something unique, beautiful and inspiring invest in this cassette and start to explore the strange world of do-it-yourself world music. But do not be put off by the "do-it-yourself" tag. This tape is well produced, expertly played and of excellent sound quality. Now where did I leave my snail milking hat?

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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