Saviour Machine - Legend Part I

Monday 1st December 1997
Saviour Machine - Legend Part I
Saviour Machine - Legend Part I

STYLE: Hard Music
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 17102-17399
LABEL: Massacre

Reviewed by Andy Long

Part one of the forthcoming trilogy- this album is certainly not as immediate as previous SM offerings. It's altogether a much more esoteric and conceptual album. Thematically the album is apocalyptic, coursing its way through Revelation and linked Old Testament prophecy in a feast of doom-laden pomp rock. There is a much wider use of orchestration for this album, including the use of a choir in places and the tracks are interspersed with dramatic soundbites representing the chaotic period of the end times. All of this is combined neatly with the powerful sound of the band themselves. Guitarist Jeff Clayton, drummer Jayson Heart and new bass player Charles Cooper (who, for trivia buffs, was executive producer on their first demo album in 1990), add the meat to the compositions, although their contribution to the overall sound is less prominent than on earlier albums. Keyboard player, Nathan Van Hala, really comes to the forefront here, building a feeling of tension throughout with well thought out arrangements for keyboard orchestration and acoustic piano. I wouldn't recommend this as your first SM album, but if you've already grown to love and understand the band then you will be able to get into this. If not, go back and get the other four albums first and then get this one!

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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