Larry Norman - You Are Not My People

Published Saturday 1st December 2007
Larry Norman - You Are Not My People
Larry Norman - You Are Not My People

STYLE: Jesus Music
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 37549-12121
LABEL: Solid Rock SRR001
RRP: £14.69

Reviewed by Mike Rimmer

There is no doubt that Larry Norman is one of the most important figures in the history of Christian music and deserves great respect. In 40 years of recording he has released some of the greatest Christian rock albums ever but in recent years, most of his output has only been suitable for Norman completists willing to put up with reduced quality. The cover of this album gives no clue that 'You Are Not My People' is a live album of previously recorded material though the sleeve notes inside tell the story. Culled from the two 'Live At Flevo' albums recorded in 1989 and 1990, these are good live performances from Larry backed by bands that "get it" when it comes to his music. There's a good mixture of classics like "Why Don't You Look Into Jesus", "Why Should The Devil" and "The Rock That Doesn't Roll". But when it seems as though every other album of his has already been re-released, it seems strange that the two Flevo live albums aren't released in their entirety rather than this hybrid compilation.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Dougie @ 12:19 on Jun 13 2008

You Are Not My People is in fact the second go at compiling the two Flevo live albums... see Road Rage for the first attempt. Second time round we once again have most of the 'new' songs dropped once again (Nightmare #49 / He Really Loves You / Letters To The Church / Soon I Will Be Home / It's Only Today That Counts from the 1989 gig and Heaven Wants To Bless You / God Part 3 / Goodbye Farewell and Let It Go from the 1998 gig). On the upside we have a rare opportunity to hear Larry sing Why Don't You Look Into Jesus, Twelve Good Men, Rock That Doesn't Roll live. This is a new low in re-re-releasing compilations and live albums and rereleases... it's all 3 in one and not as good as either original live album - e.g. at the original 1989 album Twelve Good Men segued into Be Careful What You Sign wonderfully... here bizarrely the order of those two is chopped up and reversed.

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