Larry Norman - Upon This Rock: Kingsway Classics

Tuesday 1st October 1991
Larry Norman - Upon This Rock: Kingsway Classics
Larry Norman - Upon This Rock:  Kingsway Classics

STYLE: Jesus Music
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 4092-10612
LABEL: Kingsway KMC21

Reviewed by Dave Massey

For those who hanker after the days of multiplying the letter numbers of Henry Kissenger's name by n to the power of 93 and ending up with 666 you'll get a real nostalgia buzz out of this reissue in Kingsway's budget line Right Price series. There are classics like "Walking Backwards Down The Stairs" and - don't look now but everybody else has been raptured - "I Wish We'd All Been Ready". Lyrically Larry has always been able to slice through the jargon and hot air that abounds in Christendom and cut straight to the nitty-gritty. Shame about the dated Jesus people arrangements and thin production though.

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