Jason de-Vaux - The Waterworks: An Eye Watering Testimony For Men

Published Wednesday 29th October 2014
Jason de-Vaux - The Waterworks: An Eye Watering Testimony For Men
Jason de-Vaux - The Waterworks: An Eye Watering Testimony For Men

STYLE: Biography and Autobiography
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
FORMAT: Book General book

Reviewed by Suzie Brock

Any book which describes itself as "An eye watering testimony for men" and which tells the story of a musician and chaplain's operation on his penis is never going to be a comfortable read. Yet this slim little volume can be recommended to all those facing medical procedures or indeed any other challenge that God chooses not to remove supernaturally. The Waterworks skillfully makes its spiritual points from the most unlikely of source material. For example, "On about day eight I woke from being asleep to realize that there was no urine in my catheter bag. Panicking I flung the bed covers off and tried to fathom what had gone wrong. The answer soon became apparent. Before going to bed El [Jason's wife] had helped me by re-positioning the leg back strap that adorned the top of the bag on my ankle, unknowingly she had tightened the strap over the top of the pipe leading into the bag, the result was no urine escaped as I slept, I awoke bursting for the toilet. The problem was soon rectified, if a little explosively! We all make mistakes. As I thought about what had happened I realised this was just like what happens in life sometimes. Us fallible human beings can allow the rubbish in our lives to tighten around our hearts not letting the spirit of God to flow through us cleaning and restoring. It's only when we realize that we are empty do we take a closer look at our lives to realise we have created a bottle neck shutting God out." It's a shame this privately published booklet hadn't been properly subedited but the occasional typo and awful punctuation don't detract too much. So overall this is an unusual and encouraging read from the Cambridge-based communicator.

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