Hosanna! Music - Songbook 22

Published Tuesday 29th July 2008
Hosanna! Music - Songbook 22
Hosanna! Music - Songbook 22

RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Hosanna! Music 000768422205
FORMAT: CD-ROM Music/song book
RRP: £12.95

Reviewed by Simon Redfern

Songbook 22 is the latest in a long line of such resources, enabling worship leaders to bring some of Hosanna Music's catalogue of tunes into their own local churches. The tunes come from five of their own composers/artists/bands (namely Brian Doerksen, Don Moen, Michael Neale, Jonathan Stockstill and New Life Worship), all of whom in this instance are from the USA and Canada. The CD ROM provides sheet music, chord sheets and lyric text files which are indexed by Bible reference, first lines, themes as well as key and tempo which is a handy resource for worship leaders if they're stuck for something particular for a service or event. The vocal parts are listed "as is" on the recordings, but piano parts have been simplified which will make them accessible to a slightly wider range of technical abilities. Files are provided as Adobe PDF, the only downside of which is it's not the quickest thing to navigate around. Presentation is good, but I would question the need for such excessive packaging on a small CD! There are a few well known worship tunes such as Brian Doesksen's "Light The Fire Again" and "Change Me On The Inside" (Vineyard), but to the less well-versed the inclusion of songs by North American composers not well known in the UK may narrow the appeal in Blighty.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description
Perfect for Worship Leaders, Worship
Teams, Choirs and Home Groups, the
Hosanna! Music annual CD-ROM Digital
Songbook features printable sheet music,
chord charts and lyric text files for 74

Includes the complete list of songs from
the last six Hosanna! Music releases: Let
The Church Rise, Hiding Place, My Saviour
Lives, Holy God, The Worship
Sessions and No Greater Audience.

Key Benefits:

• 74 Songs on One CD-ROM Disc
• Perfect Resource for Worship Teams,
Choirs and Home Groups
• Printable Sheet Music, Chord Charts
and Lyric Text Files
• Compatible with Mac OS (including
• Includes Adobe Reader and Web Links
to integritymusic.com and ccli.com
• Helpful Indexes: Scripture References,
Key and Tempo, First Line, Copyright
Holders and Topic

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