Hosanna Music - Hymns Contemporary And Traditional

Monday 1st February 1993
Hosanna Music - Hymns Contemporary And Traditional

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 5 5 5 5 5
LABEL: Hosanna! Music 702

Reviewed by Chris Webb

Although the title of the album does say contemporary the majority of the hymns are traditional, including perennial favourites "All Creatures Of Our God And King", "Holy Holy Holy" and others less well known or less frequently sung items such as "Nothing But The Blood". The contemporary recordings are of two of Graham Kendrick's songs, "Shine Jesus Shine" and "For This Purpose" plus one by Twila Paris and another by Chris Christensen. I did appreciate that despite this being a sampler the lyrics to all the songs were printed on the inlay sheet. However, other information was lacking such as listing the soloists or musicians, or where the live tracks had been recorded. Generally, I prefer less voices and less orchestration than this album has. The opening verse of "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" with a solo female voice and "bluesy" piano is excellent and a real departure from a traditional rendition of the hymn however, as the hymn progresses more voices and more instruments are added returning it to a traditional sound from a very innovative start, which was disappointing. I found the worship leader's interjections annoying and listening to the album rather than being involved in its recording made the interjections distracting, not helpful. I was not overly impressed with this album until I played it through my own church's PA system into a large auditorium at greater volume than at home. There it immediately conveyed a large congregation worshipping and was much more uplifting and even exciting, but back on the hi-fi rather ordinary. So, if you buy this ensure yourself of a good PA and large empty hall to really appreciate it. Average rather than exceptional.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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