Dino - Quiet Time

Tuesday 1st October 1996
Dino - Quiet Time
Dino - Quiet Time

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
LABEL: Benson 8441843752

Reviewed by Tony May

It has to be said that Dino can make the less than riveting prospect of a solo piano rendering of well-worn hymns and gospel songs into something thoroughly satisfying. As the title suggests, this is a gentle, soothing session, intended to lull the hearer into a relaxed, contemplative mood. As such it succeeds, and along the route serves up a reminder of the simple beauty to be found in the melodies of such as "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", "It Is Well With My Soul" and "Just As I Am" - timeless grandeur. The arrangement of "Be Still My Soul" (Finlandia) is majestic. So glad this was kept to solo piano, beautifully acoustic. Can't say I am normally an instrumental album man, but this is exceptional and I shall treasure it.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Dr George Cooper in Ormond Beach Florida @ 18:32 on Oct 12 2012

I would like to see Dino Elefante's "Healing" CD back on You Tube, posted by Rebecca R. And the name of the selection, on the CD, is "It is well with my Soul" It is the instrumental version. I aslo would like to know how to purchase it as well!! It was removed from You Tube; and who ever removed it, would you please replace it. Because many folks love that version of "It is well with my Soul" of the CD "Healing!! Thanks & God Bless You!!

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