Posted by Greg Emery in Buford,Ga @ 04:41 on May 13 2007
I am a 36 year old male who has been through insurmountable
things in life and losing my father in the military at five.
I remember as a child hearing the most inspired music. I
have kept and heard this old record, now on tape. This album
was most inspired and blessed by the Holy Spirit, and has
been such a strength in my life. I have never heard anything
so inspiring. I remember meeting Dino here in Atlanta and He
told me it was time for the new. As great as he is, I flt
dissheartened, because I belive that this album from the
beginning needs to be heard by everyone so they can be
touched like I have. Blessings to all of you...Greg
I am a 36 year old male who has been through insurmountable things in life and losing my father in the military at five. I remember as a child hearing the most inspired music. I have kept and heard this old record, now on tape. This album was most inspired and blessed by the Holy Spirit, and has been such a strength in my life. I have never heard anything so inspiring. I remember meeting Dino here in Atlanta and He told me it was time for the new. As great as he is, I flt dissheartened, because I belive that this album from the beginning needs to be heard by everyone so they can be touched like I have. Blessings to all of you...Greg