Showing page 22 of 25 1... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
The demand for doctors now outstrips supply to such an extent that in some parts of the UK more than 40% of NHS doctors have trained overseas. A new report by the General Medical Council has revealed that, since 2012, the number of doctors on the register has increased by just 2%, while the number of A&E attendances has shot up by 27%. It said the profession was at “crunch point”. | |
Health | The Sentinel – 20th December 2017 |
A criminal Code Bill which includes clauses that criminalise religious conversion and the “hurting of religious sentiment” was signed into law on 16th October by Nepali President Bidhya Devi Bhandari. Nepal’s Constitution stipulates that the Hindu faith will be protected by the state, Article 26 (3) of the Constitution restricts religious conversion and the free expression of one’s faith. The Bill was signed on the same day that the UN General Assembly elected Nepal as one of 15 new members of the UN Human Rights Council. | |
Religious Persecution | Evangelical Now - December 2017 |
Analysis from the Children’s Society suggests that one million children in poverty will not be entitled to free school meals under new Universal Credit proposals. The charity calculates that once a family with one child passes the £7,400 threshold, it needs to earn £1,124 a year more – the equivalent of working 2.4 hours more each week at the national living wage – to make up for the loss in free school meals. | |
Social Issues | Church Times - 22/29 December 2017 |
Consumer debt now stands at more than £200 billion, and that means an average of more than £3,000 of debt from car loans, personal loans and credit cards for every man, woman and child in the country. | |
Money | Church Times - 17th November 2017 |
More than 100 religious leaders have signed a statement, during Faith Week (this week), calling for improved rights and better support for people who no longer have a home country. There are an estimated ten million “stateless” people worldwide. | |
World Issues | Church Times - 17th November 2017 |
Research by the Bank of England suggests that household debt peaked in 2008, the year of the financial crash. It fell again until 2011, but last year it started to increase. The latest figures put it at 140% of disposable income (the highest value since 2012). The report, The Taxation of Families: International comparisons 2016, suggests that the tax faced by one-earner married couples with two children on the average wage is 20% higher in Britain than in the rest of the OECD. They pay 70% more tax than a comparable French family, the research indicates: more than twice as much as in the United States, and 15 times as much as in Germany. | |
Money | Church Times - 17th November 2017 |
A new law on belief and religion in Vietnam, scheduled to come into effect on 1st January 2018, is more likely to control religion than provide freedom for believers. Evangelical leaders say the law represents more intrusion into the internal affairs of their churches than any prior legislation. The new law will abrogate the benefits of the Prime Minister’s Special Directive No.1 Concerning the Protestant faith (2005), congregations to operate, even while legal registration was pending or not available. | |
Religious Persecution | Evangelicals Now - January 2018 |
The majority of those charged under Russia’s religion laws, following their introduction last year, have been Christians, it was reported in December. Since Putin’s government amended anti-terror laws to crack down on “extremism” in July 2016, a total of 202 cases have been brought to court. Of these, 53% have been against Protestant Christians or organisations. Aimed at disrupting terrorist activity the laws have been used to target Evangelical Christians and other religious minorities. | |
Religious Persecution | Evangelicals Now - January 2018 |
CNN News on 15th November revealed that captured African immigrants heading to Europe are being sold into slavery in modern-day slave markets in Libya. Among the refugees are Christians including Eritreans, fleeing religious persecution. One migrant described Libya as a “hell” where he lived in “permanent fear of being picked up by a militia group and sold off as a slave”. A 2016 report showed that Christians face acute danger and are targeted by both people-traffickers and Islamist groups in the country. | |
Religious Persecution | Evangelicals Now - January 2018 |
In the Yugan county, Communist Party leaders described the presence of religion as a “crisis” as they tore down religious posters in December. 5,000 to 6,000 Christian families “see God as their saviour…….(but) should no longer rely on Jesus, but on the party for help, said officials. If the people don’t remove the Christian symbols and pictures and replace them with portraits of the Chinese president, as they are being “encouraged” to do, they face not being given their quota from the poverty relief fund. | |
Religious Persecution | Evangelicals Now - January 2018 |
6.5% of children in Central Asia are involved in child labour and 23% of children in Central Asia won’t go to secondary school. | |
World Issues | GO - Jan-Mar 2018 |
Alcohol abuse by parents in the UK is damaging the lives of an estimated 700,000 teenagers, new research published by the Children’s Society this week suggests. Of the parents of these teenagers, three in five (59%) also suffer from depression or anxiety, the survey of 3,000 families with children aged 10-17 has concluded. The charity has estimated that this equates to more than 1.6 million teenagers who have a parent with depression or anxiety, and 1.7 million teenagers who have a parent with problem debt. | |
Family | Church Times - 10th November 2017 |
Ireland remains one of the most religious countries in Europe, despite a decade or more of scandals and a notable decline in church attendance, a European study suggests. Almost 30% (29.9) of those who responded said that they attended church services on a weekly basis; 4.1% attended more than once a week; and 1.8% were daily worshippers, bringing the total of regular churchgoers to 35.8%. | |
Religion/Spirituality | Church Times - 10th November 2017 |
Foodbanks in areas where Universal Credit has been rolled out have received a surge in demand in the past six months, new figures from the UK’s biggest Foodbank network, the Trussell Trust have revealed. Universal Credit is due to be fully rolled out by 2022, when an estimated seven million are expected to claim it. | |
Social Issues | Church Times - 10th November 2017 |
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood carried out more than 320,000 abortions in the US last year, according to its recent annual report. The report shows that the group aborted 321,384 babies in its 2016-2017 fiscal year. | |
World Issues | The Christian Institute - 5th January 2018 |
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