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The UK Supreme Court has ruled that Basildon Council has duty under existing legislation to provide land for families it will make homeless if the clearance of the Travellers site at Dale Farm goes ahead. The Travellers at Dale Farm in Essex have been strongly supported by the Church with former parish priest of Wickford, Fr John Glynn and Bishop Thomas McMahon of Brentwood speaking out on a number of occasions. Alongside the humanitarian concerns, we have to ask if an extremely expensive operation to evict the Travellers is a good use of public money in these straitened time,” said Bishop McMahon. A support structure is being set up for the site, which will include monitors in the event of the council seeking to push ahead with eviction plans. | |
Housing | The Universe November 21, 2010 |
Patients face a postcode lottery of NHS care that is strongly linked to different practices in health trusts, a Government document has revealed. The NHS Atlas of Variation published by the Department of Health found some NHS trusts were failing in key areas, including cancer and stroke care. It includes maps so the public and NHS managers can see how their region is performing compared to other areas. The report reveals that practices vary in ways that cannot always be explained by social or patient factors. | |
Health | The Sentinel November 25, 2010 |
Debt and living costs are forcing university students to work during their final year at university, a study found yesterday. Research commissioned by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit found that students in their third year were much more likely to find a job than those in their first year. The study is following 50,000 university students from completing their UCAS application to getting a job. | |
Education | The Sentinel November 18, 2010 |
The Pope has approved using condoms providing they stop the transmission of HIV to a partner. It signals a seismic shift in papal teaching. The Vatican has long been criticized for its opposition to condom use, particularly in Africa where Aids is rampant. But the latest interpretation of the Pope’s comments means the Roman Catholic Church is acknowledging its anti-birth control stance against condoms does not justify putting life at risk. | |
Health | The Sentinel November 24, 2010 |
An unprecedented mass of detail about Government spending was released today as the coalition pushed ahead with its transparency agenda. Among the revelations in an itemised list of expenditure was a £26,000 bill for training staff at the Cabinet Office to have “difficult conversations”. There have been nearly £55,000 of “accommodation improvements” in the Prime Minister’s Office. Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude said the disclosure of government spending above £25,000 was “revolutionary” and urged the public to point out waste. | |
Politics | The Sentinel November 19, 2010 |
Only 10 per cent of adults across the UK think that its religious meaning is the most important thing about Christmas, a Gfk NOP survey commissioned by the Children’s Society revealed this week. The trend is most noticeable among younger adults, where just four per cent of 25-34-year-olds compared to over 20 per cent of those over 60, gave the religious connotations of Christmas a top rating. Overall, spending time with family and friends is seen as more important to most people (67 per cent) than its religious significance as the birth date of Jesus according to the poll’s findings. | |
Religion/Spirituality | The Church Of England Newspaper - December 3, 2010 |
UK Bank exposure to debt-laden countries has left Britain’s economic recovery highly vulnerable to shocks in the eurozone, the international Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned. The IMF said banks could be hit by further woes in troubled countries such as Greece, Ireland and Spain-with UK bank loans to these eurozone members accounting for around 14per cent of gross domestic product 9GDP0. But the IMF’S latest report on the UK confirmed the economy was “on the mend”. | |
Money | The Sentinel November 10, 2010 |
Relatives of victims of the July 7 bombings last night condemned a move by the Home Office to fight the coroner’s decision not to hear top secret intelligence material in closed sessions. Families spoke out after being informed Home Secretary Theresa May was seeking a judicial review of a ruling which rejected arguments by lawyers for M15 that the coroner had powers to exclude the bereaved families from hearings so she could examine sensitive documents which would damage national security if made public. | |
Politics | The Sentinel November 10, 2010 |
British Catholics have played down the Pope’s comment that the use of condoms could sometimes be morally justified to stop the spread of Aids. Sources in the Catholic Church in England and Wales said the shift did not mean a major change in Vatican policy. One said: “What he is not saying is that this is a change in institutional thinking or that condoms are a solution to HIV/Aids.” | |
Church | The Sentinel November 22, 2010 |
Government plans to force the long-term unemployed to do unpaid manual labour have come under fire from Labour, unions, charities and the Arch-bishop of Canterbury. Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith will this week unveil plans for four-week schemes of community work, doing jobs such as litter-picking or gardening for jobless people deemed to have lost the work ethic. But Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said the plan was unfair and may drive vulnerable people into despair. | |
Work/Employment | The Sentinel November 8, 2010 |
Scrapping the right to a jury trial for lesser offences that “clog up the courts” could save £30million a year in prosecutors’ costs alone, the government’s victims’ commissioner said yesterday. Louise Casey said almost 70,000 cases which could be heard by magistrates were making up more than 40 per cent of the crown court’s business every year, causing greater expense and leading to long delays for more serious cases. | |
Crime | The Sentinel November 4, 2010 |
In late July the Daily Mail reported that Liberal Democrat deputy leader, Simon Hughes, suggested that homosexual couples will be granted the right to marry before the next General Election. He said that a consultation will take place on taking civil partnerships to the next level’. Although homosexual couples can access almost the same legal rights through a civil partnership, this does not have the same symbolic status as a marriage. The Tories have pledged to consider allowing same-sex couples to marry in the same way as heterosexual couples. But the Liberal Democrats go further. The Daily Mail reported that Nick Clegg wrote last year: although civil partnerships have been a step forward, until same sex-marriage is permitted it is impossible to claim gay and straight couples are treated equally. | |
Politics | Sword September/0ctober 2010 |
The oldest pro-life campaigning organization in the UK, the Society for the protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), reported in June that thousands of parents in southern china had been subjected to a brutal 20-day sterilization campaign. During that latest crackdown on parents, reports emerged that doctors were rushing to sterilize 9,559 people who had defied the one-child policy. SPUC has reported that the Chinese one-child policy uses forced abortion and sterilization to achieve its aims. | |
World Issues | Sword September/ October 2010 |
A poll of over 1,000 adults, conducted by ComRes, reveals that 11% of people aged 65 or over will be spending Christmas alone, compared with just 6% of the population as a whole. 68% of the population will be spending Christmas with their family. | |
Odd Facts | Theos Think Tank - December 2010 |
A poll of over 1,000 adults, conducted by ComRes, reveals that society is divided between those who believe the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to their Christmas (46%) and those (51%) who believe the opposite. The poll highlights clear differences between the sexes, nations and ages. 47% of men disagree with the statement 'The birth of Jesus is irrelevant to my Christmas' whereas 56% of women disagree. | |
Odd Facts | Theos Think Tank - December 2010 |
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