Key Quotes - Health

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Against the obvious backdrop of the grinding poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the silent spectre of HIV/AIDS is no less devastating. 10 per cent of this population live with the terrible disease.
HealthScottish Catholic Observer - 20th February 2004
The UN estimates that 73 per cent of people in the Congo are under-nourished, the highest proportion of any country in the world. One in five children under-five die before their fifth birthday, a figure that has not improved in a decade.
HealthScottish Catholic Observer - 13th February 2004
According to a study of 14,000 people in Finland, coffee can prevent women getting diabetes. The Sunday Times reports that women who drink vast amounts of coffee (10 or more cups a day) have their risk of developing diabetes cut by a whopping 79 per cent. For men the drop is less, but still impressive at 55 per cent.
HealthEngland on Sunday - March 18th 2004
Each year the UK's 224 hospices provide care and comfort free of charge, to thousands of patients, their families, relatives and carers, helping them make the most of every moment they have in whatever way they can.
HealthThe Scottish Catholic Observer - February 27th 2004
More 16 to 18 year olds join the NHS Organ Donor Register than any other age group and most of them enrol by the driving licence route."
"More than 7,000 people need a transplant to save or dramatically improve their life. But the shortage of donors means fewer than 3,000 are carried out each year. Every year nearly 400 people die while waiting and many more lose their lives before they get on the transplant list."
"Research shows that 90 per cent of people in the UK support the principle of organ donation. But only about 18 per cent have got round to registering their wishes.
HealthThe War Cry - 13th March 2004
The majority of homeless people have to choose between eating or paying for other essentials, according to a new survey from Housing Justice. The survey into how easy it is for homeless people to maintain a healthy diet found that three out of four (77 per cent) have to make difficult decisions between buying food or using their limited resources on other essentials.
The Housing Justice survey revealed that over half (60 per cent) of the people spoken to found it difficult to eat well, and nearly a third of them said the reason was a lack of money. Although the survey shows that just over 50 per cent the people had eaten fresh fruit and vegetables on the day before the survey, this was primarily because a few day centres provide well balanced meals.
HealthEnough - Issue 6 2004
Over the last decade, the organisation has provided 1.3 million people with primary healthcare education, immunisation, and nutrition and sanatation advice. Another quater of a million have been helped by one of its health centres and 14,000 patients have recieved surgical treatment - eye, orthopaedic, ear, nose and throat, plastic or general surgery. Nearly 100,000 children have been vaccinated against polio, whooping cough, measles, tetanus, typhoid and diphtheria.
HealthMAF News - March/May 2004
AIDS - If behaviour doesn't change, then 200 million people will be dead within the next 30 years.
The World Health Organisation believes around 85 million people have the virus, but many who are infected probably do not know it yet.
Dr Dixon quotes some shocking statistics: 20 million children have lost their mothers to AIDS: AIDS kills over 8,000 people every day: 43 million people (as many as the population of Spain) have already died through AIDS.
HealthStreetpaper - No.70
It is only 31 years since homosexuality was removed fom the American Psychiatric Association (APA) list of mental illnesses, and as recently as 1992 homosexuality was still classified as a mental disorder by the World Health Organisation.
HealthDirection, March 2004.
Childrens waistlines have expanded by two clothing sizes over the past 20 years, according to a study by the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
Research shows waists have increased by 4cm (1.57inchs). Girls are also getting fatter than boys.
HealthThe Sentinal Feb 24th 2004.
Five people die of AIDS and ten people are infected with HIV every minute.
5.6 million people have HIV in South and South East Asia.
Cambodia has the highest proportion of people with HIV in South East Asia.
Globally, 14 million children have lost one or both parents as a result of HIV/Aids.
HealthTeartimes, Spring 2004.
At the end of 2002, it was estimated that more than 42 million people worldwide were living with HIV/Aids- 50,000 of those in the U.K.
HealthChristian Herald, 29th November 2003.
'Half of young adults do not visit a dentist regularly.

Only four out of ten 16-24 year old men in deprived areas have regular checkups. By comparison, the figure in more affluent areas is six out of ten.

Young women are more likely to have their teeth checked than men, but only five out of ten in deprived areas regularly visit a dentist, compared with seven out of ten in better off areas.

Four out of five children, aged 2-15, attend a dentist for a regular checkups, although the figure drops off sharply at this point.
HealthYouthwork - Feb 2004
At the end of last year, an estimated 42m people worldwide were living with HIV/Aids. A third of those with HIV/Aids are aged between 15 and 24, while 3.2m were aged 15 or under.Briton has approximately 50,000 people with HIV/Aids.
HealthBaptist Times, Nov 2003.
Urgent action is needed because Britain's children have rapidly expanding waistbands and their health is suffering. A shocking 8.5% of six year olds and 15% of 15 year olds are obease, almost half of all 15 year olds are overweight.
This is not just an aesthetically challenging problem, it is life threatening average life expectancy is expected to drop for the first time in more than a century.
HealthThurdway ,Jan/Feb 2004.
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