Key Quotes - Health

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
The human form of BSE could affect more people than originally feared after scientists discovered a second genetic group was prone to the condition. Up until now, scientists had hoped that only one genetic type of the population was susceptible to the disease.

HealthThe Sentinel – 19th May 2006
Lord Joffe’s bill to facilitate the death of the terminally ill has been blocked in the House of Lords. His bill had proposed that patients with less than six months to live could be prescribed lethal medication provided they signed a legal declaration that they wanted to die.

HealthEvangelical Times – June 2006
Patients will be able to have free operations at hospitals across the country under new NHS plans. The Government expects about 150,000 patients a year to take advantage of the option, although patients would be expected to cover their own travel costs unless on benefits.

HealthThe Sentinel – 31st May 2006
The West Midlands has the fourth highest level of obesity among men in the UK. Currently 23% of men are obese and a further 43% are overweight.
HealthChoosing Health for the West Midlands - June 2006
There are around 270,000 heart attacks in the UK each year.
Heart and circulatory disease kills one British adult every three minutes.
HealthHeart Week - June 2006
According to NHS Trust figures, a total of 289 under-16’s became pregnant in the last three years in Wales and the number could be rising.

HealthThe Universe – 4th June 2006
HIV around the world:-
In 2005:
40.3 million people were living with HIV (only one in ten knows they are infected).
4.9 million people became infected with HIV (3.2 million of these were in sub-Saharan Africa).
3.1 million people died of Aids (more than half a million were children).

HealthTeartimes – Summer 2006
Middle aged people in England are far healthier than their American counterparts. Research found rates of diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure among U.S. residents aged between 55 and 64 were up to twice as high.

HealthThe Sentinel – 3rd May 2006
Nearly one in 20 people in the UK has a personality disorder according to new research. The study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found the most common type is obsessive compulsive disorder.

HealthThe Sentinel – 2nd May 2006
People born in the spring and early summer are more likely to commit suicide than those born in the autumn. Research found they were 17% more likely to kill themselves.

HealthThe Sentinel – 2nd May 2006
More than a quarter of children in developing countries are under weight. A Unicef study found the average number if underweight youngsters dropped just 5% points in the last five years.

HealthThe Sentinel – 2nd May 2006
Cleaning the house helps women feel I control of their lives, with many finding it mentally therapeutic. Seven out of ten women questioned admitted they could not leave the house in a mess.

HealthThe Sentinel – 24th April 2006
Drinking less than a cup of milk a day during pregnancy may stunt the growth of babies in the womb. Research found that babies of women who drank more milk were heavier.

HealthThe Sentinel – 24th April 2006
More than 2.7 million sick days could be saved each year if the number of people exercising for at least 150 minutes a week was increased.

HealthThe Sentinel – 29th March 2006
Men who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day are almost 40% more likely to be impotent than those who do not.

HealthThe Sentinel – 24th March 2006
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