Key Quotes - Health

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis need access to better treatments and care according to a charity and MPs. Women are three times more likely to suffer from the condition than men and there are around 450,000 women with it in the UK.

HealthThe Sentinel – 6th July 2006
Whooping cough is endemic among UK schoolchildren despite the fact most have been immunized.

HealthThe Sentinel – 7th July 2006
Children from poorer families are 13 times more likely to die from injury than those who are well off. They are at far greater risk of being killed in accidents than those whose parents are in professional or managerial roles.

HealthThe Sentinel – 7th July 2006
Autism disorders could affect one in 100 children in the UK.

HealthThe Sentinel – 14th July 2006
The vast majority of women believe that abortion is “cruel” and that the existing law should be changed, according to the biggest ever professional survey of female opinion.
The survey also shows that most people – men and women – believe that too many abortions are being carried out each year and want to see the 200,000 a year toll reduced.

HealthChoose Life – June 2006
High Street chemist Boots is planning to base GP surgeries and hospital consultants in its outlets across the country.

HealthThe Sentinel – 24th July 2006
Being working class can slash several years off your life new research has revealed.

HealthThe Sentinel – 20th July 2006
390,000 babies at risk of developing life-long foot problems each year. The study identifies that over half of the 716,000 babies born in the UK each year [1] could suffer lasting damage to their feet as Brits are unaware how fragile babies’ feet are. – July 2006
Two new drugs could help save the lives of thousands of lung cancer patients. The drugs work by restricting tumour growth in people who carry a mutated gene. It is thought 30% of people with cancer could have this gene.

HealthThe Sentinel – 21st June 2006
Allowing 500 refugee doctors to retrain and work in Britain could save the NHS £120 million.

HealthThe Sentinel – 21st June 2006
Less than one in eight people questioned in a recent Ramblers’ Association survey said they had been advised by a doctor to exercise more – even though more than half the British population are overweight or obese.

HealthThe Sentinel – 26th June 2006
HIV in Russia:-
More than 1.5 million Russians have HIV.
Worst case scenarios predict 8 million will be infected by 2010.
More than 80% of people infected are under 30.
4.1% of Russian prisoners have HIV: a rate 30 times higher than the general population.

HealthTeartimes – Summer 2006
A fifth of babies are at greater risk of cot death by not being put to sleep on their back – possibly to avoid the cosmetic flat head syndrome.
The Sentinel – 11th May 2006
HealthThe Sentinel – 11th May 2006
Overweight mothers to be are risking the health of their unborn child and putting strain on the NHS.

HealthThe Sentinel – 6th June 2006
Heart disease costs the UK economy £29 billion a year – and the situation looks set to get worse. The UK spends about £16 billion a year on heart disease - a fifth of its NHS budget and more than any EU country. Hospital inpatient care was the most expensive component at almost £10 billion.

HealthThe Sentinel – 15th May 2006
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