Showing page 27 of 57 1... 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ...57 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
The global cost of dementia this year will be £388 billon more than one per cent of GDP, according to a report out today. This includes the cost of social care, unpaid care by relatives and the medical bills for treating dementia. The figure is expected to rise rapidly in the coming years, but governments are woefully unprepared to meet the challenge, said the world Alzheimer Report 2010. Experts at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and King’s College London examined the cost of dementia care and found that, if it was a country, it would be the world’s 18th biggest economy. | |
Health | The Sentinel September 21, 2010 |
Recent research has shown the positive relationship of wellbeing on health, in a key paper that reviewed over 150 such studies: ‘Wellbeing positively impacts both short and long term health outcomes … and disease and symptom control.’ Meanwhile other evidence points to positive links between Religion / Spirituality and Personal Wellbeing – which means that ultimately spirituality is good for your physical health. | |
Health | Third Way, October 2010 |
Child health experts have hailed the success of a medical trial that could lead to the widespread vaccination of children against deadly meningitis B. Data presented by pharmaceutical giant Novartis revealed that a large majority of infants given a new test drug achieved a robust immune response against strains of the disease. Charity Meningitis UK said the results would eventually lead to a vaccine that would save the lives of thousands of children. | |
Health | The Sentinel, Monday, September 13, 2010 |
The failure to offer obese patients weight-loss surgery is costing the economy hundreds of millions of pounds a year, according to leading surgeons. The financial toll of unemployment, housing and incapacity benefit, hospital admissions and prescriptions is increasing every year but could be cut if people were given surgery, they said. The report, from the Royal College of Surgeons, National Obesity Forum and health firms Allergan and Covidien, said thousands of patients are missing out on surgery, pushing costs higher. | |
Health | The Sentinel, Wednesday, September 8, 2010 |
Former high profile Lib Dem MP Dr Evan Harris has criticised the reporting around a new study which suggested that atheist doctors were more likely to “hasten death” than those with religious convictions. Dr Harris was responding to a new report published in the Journal of Medical Ethics which found that the “non-religious” among the 4,000 doctors polled were found to be more likely to five continuous deep sedation until death. Doctors who were “very” or “extremely non-religious” were almost twice as likely to give deep sedation than those with strong religious convictions. However, religious doctors were less likely to discuss treatments judged likely to end the lives of their patients while palliative care specialists and those with strong religious beliefs were the most strongly opposed to assisted dying and euthanasia. | |
Health | The Universe, Sunday September 5, 2010 |
Over 80% of 18-year-old girls are sexually active, with almost one in five of those having been pregnant at least once, according to Government-backed statistics released in July. More than 30% of the pregnant girls went on to have an abortion, while almost half had the baby and 18% suffered a miscarriage. The study found that the groups most likely to become sexually active at younger ages were those living with neither parent by GCSE age, or those who were NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) at 18. | |
Health | Evangelicals Now, September 2010 |
Hospitals will face fines if they fail to end the “indignity” of mixed-sex wards, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has revealed. From January hospitals in England will be required to place all patients in single-sex accommodation – with any breaches made public and financial penalties imposed. Only accident and emergency and intensive-care wards will be exempt from the new regulations, Mr Lansley added, unless there was “compelling clinical justification”. | |
Health | The Sentinel, Tuesday, August 17, 2010 |
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK and there are 250,000 men currently living with the disease. | |
Health | Keep The Faith - Issue 50 |
A study of breast cancer drug Avastin failed to show meaningful benefits for patients, U.S health advisers said unanimously last night. A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel of experts voted 13-0 that the risks and side-effects of Avastin outweighed its benefits when used alongside chemotherapy drug docetaxel. Patients taking Avastin did not show significant improvement in lifespan. Additionally, patients taking Avastin reported significant side-effects, including high blood pressure and fatigue. | |
Health | ‘The Sentinel’ – July 21, 2010 |
Scottish and European Catholic representatives have warned the European Union that any protection given to animals should also be extended to humans before birth. The moves follow the EU Council of Ministers’ expected adoption of a draft directive with the aim of protecting animals against scientific experimentation. | |
Health | ‘The Universe, Catholic Weekly’ – July 4, 2010 |
A pro-life charity has said it believes the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG) has abandoned one of the fundamental principles of medicine – ‘first do no harm’ – after its recent study stated that a 24-week-old unborn foetus does not feel any pain during abortion. Anne Scanlan, education officer for LIFE in London, told The Universe that the issue of whether or not the foetus felt pain was peripheral to the debate regarding the ethics of abortion. The RCOG report into foetal awareness, released on June 25, concluded that "the foetus cannot feel pain before 24 weeks" and that "more research is needed into the short and long-term effects of the use of foetal analgesia post-24 weeks". Ms Scanlan said that administering analgesia to an unborn child did not "in any way" diminish the injustice of taking the life of the child. | |
Health | ‘The Universe, Catholic Weekly’ – July 4, 2010 |
A health trust has tightened up security after losing or destroying the physiotherapy records of 2,000 patients. NHS Stoke-On-Trent revealed the data blunder in March after it emerged the confidential health records of 2,000 patients had not been filed in the trust’s archive system. | |
Health | The Sentinel – June 21st 2010 |
A leading UK pro-life charity has urged Swiss authorities to close a suicide climic following the revelation that a mentally ill man has been helped to die in the facility. “It is shocking to hear that the Swiss suicide clinic, Dignitas, has helped a mentally ill man commit suicide. This time we would urge the Swiss authorities, who are investigating this latest death, to shut down the clinic completely,” said Simon Hopkins, spokesman for the Pro-Life Alliance. | |
Health | The Universe, Sunday June 13, 2010 |
Research shows that cutting trans fats by just 1 per cent could prevent 11,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year in the UK. Trans fats are found naturally in small quantities in meat and dairy products. Higher levels can be found in cakes, biscuits, pastries, tortilla chips and wraps, and processed meat products. Takeaways and ready meals can also contain high levels of trans and saturated fats. | |
Health | The War Cry, 12 June 2010 |
A risk-sharing scheme to supply multiple sclerosis medicines to patients has been a “costly failure”, experts said.The NHS could have saved £250 million if the scheme had been properly assessed after two years, while the money could have been better spent on other treatments, they said. The programmes was set up between the Government and drug firms after the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence deemed a set of MS medicines too expensive and questioned their effectiveness. | |
Health | The Sentinel – 4th June 2010 |
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