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More than half the patients kept waiting at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire’s A&E department were given no explanation for the delays. The responses were given by 113 people out of 219 in a survey of the service at the unit between October and last month. | |
Health | The Sentinel - March 16 2011 |
A fifth of patients struggle to get through to their GP surgery by phone - and when the call is finally answered, many find there are no appointments available. Asked how simple it was to speak to a doctor on the phone, 19 per cent thought it was not at all easy or not very easy, 25 per cent thought it was very or fairly easy, 44 per cent had not tried and 12 per cent did not know. Asked about the ease of getting test results on the phone, 35 per cent said it was very or fairly easy, with 12 per cent saying it was not very or not at all easy. Overall, nine out of ten patients were satisfied with the care they received at their surgery. | |
Health | Daily Mail March 18th 2011 |
One in three NHS staff would be unhappy to have their relatives treated in the hospital where they work, a survey reveals. Doctors, nurses, radiographers and administrators were among the 165,000 staff questioned in England by the Care Quality Com¬mission, the regulatory watchdog, in 388 trusts between October and December last year. Around four out of ten employ¬ees claimed that low staffing levels prevented them doing their job properly. Thirty-two per cent had seen at least one error, 'near miss' or inci¬dent that could have hurt staff or patients in the last month, similar to the one-third witnessing a serious problem during the last survey in 2009. Of frontline staff, 42 per cent said they saw at least one such incident in the last month, down from 43 per cent in 2009. Overall, 90 per cent of staff believe their role ultimately makes a difference to patients, and 62 per cent are able to do their job to a standard they are pleased with. | |
Health | Daily Mail March 17th 2011 |
Tobacco displays in shops are to be banned in England under measures aimed at stopping people smoking. Cigarettes, rolling tobacco and other tobacco products will be hidden under shop counters, with temporary displays only allowed in limited circumstances. The Government also said it was keeping an “open mind” on introducing plain packaging. The counter ban comes into force in large stores in April 2012, and in April 2015 for all other shops. | |
Health | The Sentinel March 10th 2011 |
It’s no joke being stuck in a hospital bed. But it seems that the old adage is true - laughter really is the best medicine. It is likely to put you on the road to recovery more quickly than any hi-tech treatment, simply by increasing your circulation, researchers have found. A five-year study of patients with leg ulcers has established that a hearty chuckle stimulates the diaphragm which, in turn, plays a vital part in moving blood around the body. It actually speeds recovery from leg ulcers, said the report by the University of Leeds' School of Healthcare. | |
Health | Daily Mail March 10th 2011 |
An American study has found that women who are regular church attenders are more immune to life’s setbacks, and are happier overall than those who do not go at all. Alexander Ross of the Institute for the Psychological Sciences in Arlington, Virginia, found that church attendance was a significant factor in the reported happiness of women over the age of 36. | |
Health | Church Times (Salvationist) – 5th March 2011 |
More than a decade after the last government launched its NHS Cancer Plan Reform Strategy, the gap in survival rates between England and the best-performing European countries has not closed, a parliamentary report said today. According to Department of Health estimates, 10,000 lives could be saved each year if the NHS in England matched the best in Europe, said the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee. | |
Health | The Sentinel – 1st March 2011 |
Free nicotine patches are to be offered on the NHS as part of a major drive to help smokers quit their habit in the New Year. Coupons giving smokers a week’s free trial of the patches will be added to "Quit Kits" for the first time, the Department of Health announced. The kits, which also contain items such as calming audio downloads and “health and wealth” wheels showing the benefits of giving up, will be available at participating pharmacies across the country. | |
Health | The Sentinel December 29th 2010 |
An attempt to make Scotland the first part of the UK to legalise assisted suicide has been defeated. The controversial End of Life Assistance Bill was voted down by MSPs at Holyrood, despite claims that a majority of the public back such a move. The legislation was put forward by veteran politician Margo MacDonald who suffers from Parkinson’s disease. Following yesterday’s vote, she said: “If I stand next time and I am elected, people will know without any doubt I am going to pursue the idea. | |
Health | The Sentinel December 2, 2010 |
Health campaigners have reacted with anger after an NHS boss suggested staff could “donate” part of their annual leave under a drive to save £30 million. Samantha Jones, Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust chief executive, said in a staff bulletin that employees could play their part in helping to save the money in the current financial year. She worte: “a number of you have said you would be willing to sacrifice some of your annual leave allowance and come to work instead. I support this idea. | |
Health | The Sentinel December 13, 2010 |
A veteran bioethicist claimed, in late October, that human life has no intrinsic value. Baroness Mary Warnock, who helped shape the laws on human fertilisation and embryology, made the assertion in an assisted dying debate in London, reinforced later by saying: ‘I don’t think that life as an abstraction has any particular value’. In the debate Warnock said: ‘Sometimes death is more desirable than life’ and has also stated that it is ‘genuinely wicked’ if medics do not help someone to die. | |
Health | Evangelicals Now, December 2010 |
Patients face a postcode lottery of NHS care that is strongly linked to different practices in health trusts, a Government document has revealed. The NHS Atlas of Variation published by the Department of Health found some NHS trusts were failing in key areas, including cancer and stroke care. It includes maps so the public and NHS managers can see how their region is performing compared to other areas. The report reveals that practices vary in ways that cannot always be explained by social or patient factors. | |
Health | The Sentinel November 25, 2010 |
The Pope has approved using condoms providing they stop the transmission of HIV to a partner. It signals a seismic shift in papal teaching. The Vatican has long been criticized for its opposition to condom use, particularly in Africa where Aids is rampant. But the latest interpretation of the Pope’s comments means the Roman Catholic Church is acknowledging its anti-birth control stance against condoms does not justify putting life at risk. | |
Health | The Sentinel November 24, 2010 |
Heavy smoking in mid-life more than doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a study has shown. U.S. researchers followed the progress of more than 21,000 middle-aged men and women for an average of 23 years. Those who consumed more than two packets of 20 cigarettes a day had a 157 per cent higher chance of suffering Alzheimer’s than non-smokers. They also had a 172 per cent increased risk of vascular dementia. Lead researcher Dr Rachel Whitmer said: “This study shows that the brain is not immune to the long-term consequences of heavy smoking.” | |
Health | The Sentinel October 26, 2010 |
Turning your back on God could damage your health, a study suggests… Christopher Scheitle, of Penn State University found about 40 par cent of members of strict religious groups reported being in excellent health but only 25 per cent of members in those groups who switched to another religion said the same. | |
Health | Salvationist October,9 2010 |
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