Showing page 9 of 26 1... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...26 | Last update: Wednesday 25th March |
According to the Mental Health Foundation, 20 per cent of adolescents experience a mental health problem in any given year, with 50 per cent of issues being established by age of 14 and 75 per cent by 24. | |
Young People | The Sentinel - May 20th 2016 |
Children as young as 11 are among more than 1,000 alleged victims of revenge porn who reported offences in the first year of the new law coming into effect, it has been revealed. | |
Young People | Youthwork - June 2016 |
Almost 150,000 young people are being bullied every single day in the UK according to new research. The annual bullying survey 2016, published by charity Ditch the Label shows that 1.5 million young people faced verbal or physical abuse over the last 12 months. | |
Young People | Youthwork - June 2016 |
Think tank CentreForum has found that mental health services turn away around 23 per cent of children and teenagers referred to them. The study also found a wide variation in average waiting times for different service providers, and that young people with mental health problems are still not always getting the right treatment. | |
Young People | Youthwork - June 2016 |
Children in young as three are being referred to a clinic for transsexual treatment the BBC revealed in early May. The Victoria Derbyshire programme highlighted that in the past year, three pre-school children have been referred to the Gender Identity Development Service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation Trust. They were among 167 kids under the age of ten to have been referred over the last 12 months. | |
Young People | Evangelicals Now - June 2016 |
Almost two-thirds of university students have said that they support the National Students Union’s (NUS) ‘no-platform’ policy. In a ComRes survey, 63% of 1,001 students said they believe the NUS has a right to hold its policy, to ban certain external groups and individuals from university campuses. | |
Young People | Christian Concern - 29th April 2016 |
Children as young as 11 were among over 1,000 alleged victims of revenge porn over the past year. Revenge pornography is when sexual images of films of a partner or ex-partner are distributed without their consent. | |
Young People | Christian Concern - 29th April 2016 |
A major new survey commissioned by the NSPCC and the Children’s Commissioner for England has revealed that around 53% of 11-16 year-olds have seen graphic pornographic content online. 94% had viewed adult content by the time they were just 14 years-old. | |
Young People | CARE Impact Direct - 17th June 2016 |
Research by the Army Reserve, which oversees reservists, shows 18-35s spend three-and-a-half hours a day on social media and gaming. It believes many young people think joining the reservists is too much of a time commitment (they’re required to commit at least 19 days a year), despite saying they would like to learn a new skill. | |
Young People | The Sentinel - April 15th 2016 |
Up to half of all children in custody have been in care at some point. This is a tragic waste of young lives which must be addressed if all children in care are to get the best start in life, an independent review chaired by the crossbench peer Lord Laming has said. | |
Young People | Ekklesia Daily Bulletin - 23rd May 2016 |
Children are being exposed to sex and violence on websites their parents think are safe, a new survey has found. Research carried out for the NSPCC found that half of 11 to 17-year-olds admit to having seen pornography or graphic violence on social media, apps and games. | |
Young People | The Christian Institute - 8th April 2016 |
Numbers of youth volunteers aged between 16-25 have risen by more than half, according to data published today by NCVO. The figures released today in the UK Civil Society Almanac 2016, reveal that the proportion of under-25-year-olds who claim to volunteer at least once a month, has risen by 52 per cent since 2010 - increasing from 23 per cent in 2010-2011 to 35 per cent in 2014/2015. | |
Young People | Civil Society News - 11th April 2016 |
Teenage pregnancy rates in Stoke-On-Trent are the second highest in the country - despite a fall in the number of young mums in the city. Latest statistics show that only Nuneaton has a higher number of under 18s falling pregnant than the Potteries. | |
Young People | The Sentinel – March 11 2016 |
Young people who smoke cannabis regularly experience “more financial, work-related and relationship difficulties”, according to a long-term study. The Dunedin Health and Development Study has followed almost 1,000 young people in New Zealand over a period of nearly 40 years. | |
Young People | The Christian Institute - 1st April 2016 |
Legislators and educators should reject all policies which normalise ‘sex changes’ among children, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has said. In a statement released this month the organisation, which represents members across the US, warned that children are being damaged by ‘gender ideology’. | |
Young People | The Christian Institute - 1st April 2016 |
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