Key Quotes - Young People

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
The Prince’s Trust Macquarie Youth Index (2017) reveals that young people’s well-being is at its lowest ever level to date. According to the research, an alarming number of young people hide their problems and lack self-confidence while at school or college.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - May 2017
Four out of five children want Facebook and other social media sites to protect them from pornography and bullying, an NSPCC report has warned. The charity said that from the 1,696 children and young people surveyed, the majority - 1,380 - felt that companies are currently not doing enough to protect them from pornography, self-harm, bullying, and hatred on their sites.
Young PeopleCARE Impact Direct - 28th April 2017 (The Telegraph)
Data from the National Child Measurement Programme for England has shown almost 8,000 children started their final year of primary school underweight, up 15 per cent since 2012. The Children’s Society’s ‘Fair and square’ campaign says there is a direct link between school performance, while Jamie Oliver’s ‘Feed me better’ campaign found that eating good food had a positive effect on results in both English and science.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work – April 2017
Young people who leave care care are seven times more likely than others their age to die aged 18-21.
Young People(BBC News) Youth and Children’s Work – April 2017
56% of school leaders say it’s difficult to find mental health services for pupils.
93% say pupils bring more worries into school than they did five years ago.
Young People(Place2Be and NAHT survey) Youth and Children’s Work – April 2017
15% of UK 15-21-year-olds have good physical wellbeing.
58% think it’s important to contribute to wider society.
UK young people have the second lowest mental wellbeing out of 20 major countries.
Young People(Global citizenship survey – Varkey Foundation) Youth and Children’s Work – April 2017
52% of young people regularly worry about how they look. 36% would do whatever it took to look good. 10% would consider plastic surgery.
Young People(YMCA report) and Youth and Children’s Work February 2017
72% of young people recently felt lonely or isolated.
Young People(Dame Kelly Holmes Trust and YouthSight study) and Youth and Children’s Work February 2017
18,788 under-18s were admitted to hospital for self-harm in 2015-16 (a 14% rise in three years). Childline receive an average of 8 calls a day about transgender issues.
Young People(NSPCC report) and Youth and Children’s Work - February 2017
Young people aged between 16 and 24 spend more than 27 hours a week on the internet. 16 to 24s watch twice as much TV on other devices as the average viewer.
Young PeopleChristianity - February 2017
70,440 children are looked after/adopted/fostered in England (a 5% rise in four years) 6% of these children are unaccompanied asylum seekers.
Young People(Department for Education research) and Youth and Children’s Work - March 2017
A new report for the National Literary Trust says a quarter of eight-to-18-year-olds rarely or never write something that is not for school. Two years ago the figure was more than 27 percent.
Young PeopleThe Sentinel - 4th November 2016
A recent study showed children use an average of four social networks and apps, 18 per cent aged between seven and 17 have given out personal information online, and six per cent have met up in real life people they have met online.
Young PeopleThe Sentinel - 7th December 2016
In June this year, the NSPCC and the Children’s Commission published an extensive report titled I wasn’t sure if it was normal to watch it… The research undertaken by Middlesex University included a survey of children aged 11-16 and showed that by the age of 12, 28 per cent had viewed pornography and by the age of 15 that had risen to 65 per cent. In terms of inadvertent viewing or deliberately seeking porn, the split was about 50/50.
Young PeoplePremier Christianity - December 2016
The 2016 Ofcom report on media use and attitudes suggests that parents might be holding off buying of a phone for children by giving into requests for gaming platforms or tablets, which they can feel more control over. But whatever platform children are using, they are definitely spending more time online, with average usage for 3-to-4-year-olds now being over eight hours a week, and 5-15-year-olds 15 hours a week.
Young PeoplePremier YCW - January 2017
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