Key Quotes - Young People

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
1.5 million young people in the UK experienced bullying in the last year. (Ditch the label report)

64% of parents fear girls are more likely to be bullied over social media than boys. 34% of parents fear boys are more likely to be bullied on gaming platforms than girls (Internet Matters survey)
Young PeoplePremier Youth and Children’s Work – July 2017
Youth for Christ asked young people what things made them feel an idea or suggestion was worth exploring further: 49 per cent said that it was important that the idea made sense to them, 45 per cent were looking for something they considered worthwhile, yet only 27 per cent of young people would be interested in something because it meets a specific need that they have.
Young PeoplePremier Youth and Children’s Work – July 2017
Youth for Christ...undertook a piece of research called Gen Z: rethinking culture. Of the 1,001 11-18 year olds asked, 47 per cent said they did not believe in God. 32 per cent said they believed in God and this was highest among 11-14 year olds (22 per cent said they believed in ghosts and spirits). Of the 32 per cent who believed in God, 59 per cent considered themselves a follower of Jesus and the Christian faith and 15 per cent said they were unsure. Of that same 32 per cent who said they believed in God, 41 per cent said that they pray and 47 per cent of those who pray, prayed daily. When we asked young people what things might cause them to think about God, 35 per cent answered that they had not thought about God or spirituality at all.
Young PeoplePremier Youth and Children’s Work – July 2017
There was a 33% rise in referrals about domestic abuse among children in the UK last year.
Young PeoplePremier Youth and Children’s Work - July 2017
School children are being verbally attacked for believing in traditional marriage and upholding the life of the unborn, MSPs have been told. Numerous accounts – including one girl being told she ‘wasn’t a real woman’ because she did not support abortion – were revealed by the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland.
Young PeopleThe Christian Institute - 7th July 2017
32 percent of young people in the UK believe in a God, according to new research from Youth for Christ.
Young PeopleChristianity - June 2017
Around 75 per cent of 5-15 year old are now use a tablet. 20 per cent of 8-15 year olds, when questioned, say they believed that everything they see on social media is true. And only one third of 12-15 year olds could identify the advertising they were seeing in their search engine...It’s estimated that around 90% of children have a digital footprint in the form of photos and family information posted on social media by the time they reach their second birthday; for many that begins before birth.
Young PeopleFamilies First - May/June 2017
In a survey of parents across the UK, almost 75 percent of those asked said that they would choose a school based on its approach to pupil well-being over its past examination results. It’s not just parents though, in the Young Minds’ survey of teachers over 80% agree that the pressure of examinations has taken the focus away from what should be the priority – pupil wellbeing.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - May 2017
The NSPCC service delivered 3,135 counselling sessions on exam stress in 2016/17 – a rise of eleven percent over the past two years. More than a fifth of these took place in May as pupils faced upcoming exams. The most likely age group to receive counselling were 12-15 year olds but this year saw the biggest rise – up 21 percent on 2015/16 – among 16-18 year olds. Young people consistently told Childline counsellors that exam stress contributes to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, excessive crying, low self-esteem, self-harming and suicidal thoughts.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - June 2017
13% of young people aged 11-18 are active followers of Jesus.
55% of young people feel comfortable when talked to about Jesus.
Having had a conversation about Jesus, 16% of 11-18’s want to know more.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - June 2017 and (Perceptions of Jesus, Christians and Evangelism among 11-18 year olds, by ComRes)
72% of young people go the internet daily.
59% of young people said that family was the number one thing that made them feel good about themselves.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - June 2017 and (Youth for Christ’s gen Z research)
Childline provided 4,063 counselling sessions about loneliness in 2016/17 and 73 percent of these counselling sessions were with girls.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - June 2017
The Girls’ Attitude survey reveals that 39 percent of girls (aged 7-21) are unhappy about how the look and 47 percent of girls (aged 11-21) say that the way they look holds them back most of the time. For example, they are less likely to speak up in class or participate in sports.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - May 2017
The Children’s Society’s Good Childhood Report 2016 states that one in seven (14 percent) 10-to-15-year old girls are unhappy with their lives as a whole – up from eleven percent five years previously. The proportion of boys the same age who are unhappy with their lives as a whole is lower, suggesting that there is an interesting gender dynamic in the mix involving society discourses around ideals of femininity.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - May 2017
A 2016 World Health Organisation survey carried out in 42 countries found that girls and boys in the UK are among the least satisfied with their lives. The survey (which measures life satisfaction in relation to everything from relationships with family to school, mental health and drug use) showed that the highest rate of anxiety and health worries occurred among teenage girls.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - May 2017
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