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The Government has made either moderate or no progress on 22 of its 29 low-carbon commitments, according to an analysis published by the Green Alliance think-tank in conjunction with Christian Aid and other groups. The groups’ Climate Check report concludes that the coalition Government has fulfilled or is making progress on seven commitments, but is failing on six and has made little progress on the remaining sixteen. | |
Environment | The War Cry, 24 September 2011 |
If you have finished the Times crossword and are looking for a new cryptic challenge, Oxford University has just the puzzle for you. It is looking for volunteers to help to find the next lost Gospel. The university is seeking tens of thousands of volunteers to help to transcribe the Greek letters on more than two million pieces of Ancient Egyption papyri. Researches have found a previously unknown uncanonical ‘gospel’ with stories of Jesus casting out demons…Now ordinary people who need not speak or read a single letter or word of classical Greek, are needed to play a part in translating thousands more of the ancient documents. | |
Environment | Salvationist 6 August 2011 |
A cash-strapped council has been warned by central London churches that it risks losing valuable volunteer-led social services if it introduces Sunday parking charges. Church attendances could be ‘shattered’, say representatives of Churches Together in Westminster…The churches have launched a petition asking the council not to introduce the parking charges…Proposed charges in Oxford were branded a ‘tax on going to church’ by clergy there. | |
Environment | Salvationist 30 July 2011 |
The National Trust has approached the Church Commissioners about establishing a visitor attraction at Auckland Castle telling the story of the Church of England and the Christian heritage of the north of England…Representatives of the National Trust had asked…whether there was “anywhere the story of the Church of England…[was] told, and wouldn’t Auckland Castle be the right place… given that it is one of the cradles of English Christianity”. | |
Environment | Salvationist 30 July 2011 |
The Shard, a skyscraper which will transform London’s landscape, is a potent symbol of the growing significance of Islamic finance, The Financial Times claimed in June. Dwarfing all other tower blocks at 310 metres, the new landmark near London bridge, will become the highest building anywhere in the European Union. The project has been financed by shari’a-compliant investment. The Financial Times claims that there are certain conditions on the types of businesses that are allowed to occupy the completed building since it has been backed by Islamic finance. | |
Environment | Evangelicals Now August 2011 |
The government has announced controversial plans to introduce a major badger cull in England to tackle TB in cattle. The RSPCA said it was a “black day for badgers”, claiming the scientific case to support the mass slaughter of the animals had not been made. Caroline Spelman, the Environment Secretary, acknowledged there was “great strength of feeling” about the issue but told the Commons: “I believe this is the right way forward.” | |
Environment | The Sentinel July 20 2011 |
English Heritage is to give an annual award to people who rescue or repair a listed place of worship. The award will be one of four honouring people who save buildings or sites on the country’s Heritage at Risk Register. The first Angel Awards will be presented at a reception at the Palace Theatre in London in the autumn. A panel which includes Andrew Lloyd Webber and Melvyn Bragg will judge the short listed entries. | |
Environment | The War Cry 25 June 2011 |
The Government’s first move to sign up to the world’s first “ambitious” climate emissions cuts for the 2020s was welcomed by environmentalists. Energy Secretary Chris Huhne announced to MPs in the House of Commons that ministers had agreed to recommendations committing the UK to reducing emissions by 50 percent on 1990 levels by 2025. The announcement is a victory for the Lib Dem minister after a split within the Cabinet over the emissions targets. | |
Environment | The Sentinel May 18 2011 |
The Vatican City state is the world’s first carbon neutral state through offsetting its emissions by planting trees and installing solar panels on the Vatican’s rooftops. It also plans to build Europe’s largest solar farm on 740 hectares to the north of Rome. This solar farm will produce enough energy to power over 40,000 home and will exceed the EU‘s renewable energy targets of 20 percent of demand by 2020. | |
Environment | Catholic South West October 2010 |
Children are happier now than in the early 1990s, according to the Children’s Society…but the charity warned that the looming cuts could cause children’s levels of happiness to fall once again. The findings were revealed at the launch of the charity’s new index, which is designed to monitor children’s subjective wellbeing. | |
Environment | Salvationist - 23 October, 2010 |
By 2050, almost 70% of the world’s estimated ten million people will live in cities as the world’s population continues flocking to urban centres, it was reported in August. That percentage has more than doubled since 1950 when fewer than 30% of the world population lived in cities. Churches and mission organizations are increasingly following that trend. | |
Environment | Evangelicals Now October 2010 |
Every speed camera in the county looks set to disappear following central government funding cuts. Oxfordshire County Council is cutting its funding to the Thames Valley Safer Roads Partnership by £600,000 in a bid to meet £11 million savings. It has resulted in the partnership taking steps to end enforcement in the county and switch off its 72 fixed cameras. | |
Environment | ‘The Sentinel’ – July 26, 2010 |
Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers believe they have discovered the remains of Noah’s Ark, reported the Daily Express. Video footage from the team shows a wooden structure embedded in ice and volcanic debris at the top of a Turkish mountain. The group also claim that carbon testing had linked samples from the structure to the time of the biblical story. | |
Environment | The War Cry, 15 May 2010 |
Driver error and faulty signals meant Tube trains went through red lights 54 times in January 2010, it was revealed yesterday. A London Underground spokesman stressed Tube trains stop automatically after going through danger signals and that while some of the incidents involved driver error, others were due to faulty signals. | |
Environment | The Sentinel – February 16th 2010 |
Staff at the UK’s biggest rock salt mine described Britain’s big freeze as “the worst continuous spell of severe weather in 20 years.” | |
Environment | The Sentinel – 6th January 2010 |
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