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Unmarried couples who split up should have the right to claim financial support from their former partners, according to a report today. The Law Commission has concluded that cohabiting couples with children or those who have lived together for a minimum period should have more protection if the relationship ends. The report says the financial value of each partner’s contribution to the relationship, should be taken into account. | |
Family | The Sentinel - 31st July 2007 |
Teenage mothers and young fathers will be given more access to contraception in an attempt to stop girls becoming pregnant again under plans announced today. Young mothers will be encouraged to stay with their parents in their family homes, and teenage fathers will be made to feel more welcome. The proposals came in a new strategy to help teenage parents cope with the demands of bringing up children. | |
Family | The Sentinel - July 19th 2007 |
A fifth of all claims for accidental damage to the home happen during the school summer holiday, an insurer said today. Halifax Home Insurance said it saw a 23% surge in claims for accidents around the home during July and August. It urged parents to check their policy covered accidental damage, as claims could run into hundreds of pounds. | |
Family | The Sentinel - July 23 2007 |
More than two million Britons are related to convicts transported to Australia in the 18th and 19th centuries. An online social history service estimated there were a huge number of people living in Britain today who were descended from the deportees. Ancestry.co.uk said it was launching an online collection of convict records, covering most of the 163,000 sent to Australia. | |
Family | The Sentinel, - 25 July 2007 |
Childless couples were given new hope under measures to tackle the postcode lottery for IVF treatment on the NHS. The Department of health said it would be developing a country-wide approach for deciding which patients were eligible for fertility treatment. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence recommended in 2004 that all couples should receive up to three rounds of IVF for free. | |
Family | The Sentinel - 25 July 2007 |
Christian Churches in Scotland have issued a statement condemning domestic violence of any kind. The statement has been endorsed by the Catholic Church as well as the Church of Scotland, Salvation Army, Methodist and Episcopalian Churches. “Abuse in the home is a violation of God’s wish for us and creates substantial damage in the family, in the community and in society as a whole,” the statement read. Women, in particular, need to know that where there was no safety in a marriage, there was no sanctity and that the marriage vows had been broken by the abuser. It added that at the centre of any intervention work, the safety of those being abused was paramount. | |
Family | The Universe - July 8 2007 |
Britain has the highest level of divorce and lone parenthood in Europe and one of the highest rates of births outside marriage. Seven out of ten young offenders come from lone-parent families. Only 8 per cent of married parents have split up by their child’s fifth birthday, compared with 43 per cent of cohabiting parents. | |
Family | Salvationist (The Daily Express) - 21 July 2007 |
The government must spend a further £3.8 billion if it is to reach its target of halving child poverty by 2010, a report released today warns. The report, by children’s charity Barnado’s congratulates Tony Blair for his 'historic and ambitious' pledge to cut child poverty from 3.4 million to 1.7 million, and for the 600,000 children rescued since it was made eight years ago. But it also claims that the good work has stalled and there is little prospect of the pledge being met unless incoming Prime Minister Gordon Brown commits an additional lump sum to the £1 billion already earmarked for tax credits in the 2007 budget. | |
Family | The Sentinel - May 11th 2007 |
The number of mothers who stay at home to look after their children has fallen to its lowest level since records began. Only two million women spend their time caring for their family. This means only one in ten women of working age is staying at home. This is a dramatic change from previous generations. | |
Family | Day One Magazine June- September 2007 |
Christian Vision for Men quotes figures showing that one in four young people are in single-parent homes, and cites increasing numbers of pregnancies outside marriage- up to 50 per cent in some areas. | |
Family | The Baptist times May 31, 2007 |
The traditional British family is disappearing, after marriage rates in England and Wales have fallen to the lowest level since records began, according to provisional figures for 2005 released by the Office of National Statistics. The stats show that out of every 1,000 single men aged 16 and over, just 24 were married in 2005. Out of every 1,000 women, a mere 21 were married. | |
Family | Joy - April 2007 |
Many women who wait for up to 24 weeks before having an abortion do so because they do not realise they are pregnant, according to new research. The survey was carried out following public debate about the length of time into a pregnancy that an abortion is allowed, according to co-author of the research report, Dr. Ellie Lee. | |
Family | The Sentinel - 19th April 2007 |
IVF clinics could see their multiple birth rates capped under plans being considered by the fertility watchdog. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is considering sanctions for clinics that produce too many multiple births in a bid to cut the number of twin pregnancies. A 10 per cent cap on the rate of twins, from the total number of live births each year, could be introduced. | |
Family | The Sentinel – 4th April 2007 |
Children in Britain are increasingly likely to live in single-parent families, according to a report out today. Nearly a quarter lived with just one parent last year - treble the proportion recorded in 1972. | |
Family | The Sentinel - April 11th 2007 |
The European Court of Human Rights has awarded damages to a woman who was denied an abortion in Poland. Abortion is outlawed in Poland apart from in cases of rape, foetal deformity or where the mothers life is in danger. | |
Family | The Universe - April 1st 2007 |
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