Key Quotes - Religion/Spirituality

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
The Bible Society is reporting that the last Australian Church Life Survey showed that only 19% of church attendees read the Bible daily or on most days. It also showed that 12% of respondents read the Bible a few times a week, 5% once a week, 27% occasionally and 37% hardly ever or never. Similar surveys in the UK point to a similar trend.

Religion/SpiritualityThe Briefing – July 2005
Almost three quarters of young people who pray daily were found to have a sense of purpose compared to just 48% who never pray. The report reveals that eight out of ten with a sense of purpose found life worth living. In contrast, over 50% of young people without a sense of purpose considered committing suicide.

Religion/SpiritualityChristian Herald – 9th July 2005
Did you know? 41% of church ministers felt inadequately trained to deal with common issues requiring counselling and help in their church.
Religion/SpiritualityChristianity – July 2005
Satanists are to be given the same protection as Christians under proposals announced yesterday to ban incitement to religious hatred.
Religion/SpiritualityThe Times – 10th June 2005
A survey of the British Public has revealed that 60% of the nation are ready to meet God. Commissioned by Premier Christian Radio, the poll also reveals that younger people feel less prepared to meet their maker than those of an older generation. Only 39% of 18-24 year olds questioned felt that if God exists and they died today they’d be ready to meet him, compared with a substantial 76% of over 65s.
Religion/SpiritualityPremier Christian Radio Press Release – 1st June 2005
A recent Readers Digest survey saw just 48% of respondents aware that the Easter season commemorates the death and resurrection of Christ.
Religion/SpiritualityThe Herald – June 2005
101 hours of religious content have been broadcast on BBC1, but the review found that only 87 hours of religious programmes were broadcast in 2003/04. It also shows that fewer programmes were scheduled in peak time, which led to a decline of viewers reached by religious programmes down from 62% last year to 54%.
Religion/SpiritualityChristian Herald – 14th May 2005
Overall, around 7% of the original New International Version Bible has been altered in a bid to bring clarity to a new generation of readers
Religion/SpiritualityEvangelical Times – May 2005
In the Netherlands, one death in every 40 is legalised killing; more than 90% of those are voluntary euthanasia. Suicide and euthanasia are a breach of the sixth commandment, "You shall not kill". Their heinousness reflects the fact that human beings are made in the image of God.
Religion/SpiritualityEvangelical Times – May 2005
A Gallup poll of 1,028 teenagers aged 13-17 found that 38% don't believe in evolution, believing instead that God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so. Another 43% believe that humans developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided the process. Altogether, 81% believe that God was somehow involved.
Religion/SpiritualityEvangelicals Now – May 2005
Over 99% of the 70 million population of Turkey are Muslim and national evangelical believers presently number fewer than 3,000.
Religion/SpiritualityEvangelicals Now – May 2005
News released by the Office of National Statistics that the population is ageing highlights the need for effective ministry among older people, according to a mission specialist for the Baptist Union of Great Britain. The statistics revealed that between 1971 and 2003 the number of people aged 65 and over has risen by 28% while the number of under 16s has fallen by 80%.
Religion/SpiritualityThe Baptist Times - 31st March 2005
We live in a country in which over 70% identify themselves as Christians, but to many people that involves little more than, being polite to neighbours and kind to dogs, with no biblically ethical standpoints at all. It's bizarre, too, that some people are far more vocal about cruelty to animals than they are about human beings.
Religion/SpiritualityUnity - April 2005
A survey of almost 8,600 people in 14 European countries found that while seven out of ten Europeans believe in God, only just over half believe that there is life after death. In Poland 97% of those interviewed said they believed in God. Next, Portugal followed by Russia. Lowest of the scale was Belgium with 58% and Czech Republic with only 37%. Four out of ten Europeans think religion is necessary to be able to distinguish between right and wrong. Even today after re-unification Germany is still divided when it comes to religion. In the former communist east 77% are convinced atheists, compared to 22% in the west.
Religion/SpiritualityEvangelical Times - April 2005
The report, Pastoral and Population Statistics of the Catholic Community in England and Wales, indicates a massive slump in Roman Catholic practice. Between 1958 and 2002 the number of those attending Mass regularly has fallen from over a half of the RC populations to less than a quarter. Marriages have fallen from about 69,000 to 15,000, and infant baptisms by 61%. While adult baptisms have increased the fall is still nearly 50%. Conversions and receptions have fallen by two thirds.
Religion/SpiritualityProtestant Truth - March / April 2005
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